MINSA: Which are the areas with the highest and lowest incidence of dengue? | Infections | Minsa | Epidemiology | Infections | Cases | Deaths | Viruses | lime

MINSA: Which are the areas with the highest and lowest incidence of dengue?  |  Infections |  Minsa |  Epidemiology |  Infections |  Cases |  Deaths |  Viruses |  lime

He Dengue That leaves worrying statistics across the country. As of May 23, 89,654 cases and 103 deaths have been attributed to the virus, according to the National Centers for Disease Epidemiology, Prevention, and Control. Within the framework of this alarming situation, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) provided information on areas of current increase and decrease.

In which regions are cases increasing or decreasing?

César Vladimir Munayco Escate, Director General of the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Disease Controlpointed out that, Of the 20 regions with dengue epidemics, 6 are on the riseThey are Callo, Lima, Ica, La Libertad, Lumbeque and Buera.

On the other hand, President of MINSA, Rosa Gutierrez Palominopointed out that Ayacucho, Cuzco, Huanuco, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco and Ucayali are the sectors showing a downward curve.. “It is important to highlight that Loreto and Madre de Dios are not hospitalized due to specialized resources and strengthened medical observation units.“, said.

Rosa Gutierrez asked those in charge of pharmacies not to take advantage of the situation and stop selling drugs like paracetamol at high prices.

Munayco Escate added Amazonas, Ancash, Cajamarca, Junín, Puno, San Martín and Tumbes are on the plateau.; The term refers to a situation where infections stabilize at average numbers and the accelerated increase ceases.

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Gutierrez pointed out that all members of the ministry are working to combat dengue. “This is a public health problem that has been around for years, and we are committed to continuing to strengthen primary care“, he added.


Munaiko commented that Minsa had distributed a budget 50 million 120 thousand soles Collaborative measures should be taken against dengue at the national level to ensure provenance. On the other hand, the total 8 million 921 thousand soles For measures related to the effects of heavy rains and huacos; For example, stagnant water can increase dengue cases.

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Drug price hike and speculation

Rosa Gutiérrez asked those in charge of pharmacies not to take advantage of the situation Stop selling overpriced medicines like paracetamol and oral solution. “I’ll ask Intecoby (National Institute for Competition and Intellectual Property Protection)Your health (National Health Surveillance) and Dgemit (Directorate General of Drugs, Products and Drugs) They do a thorough job and penalize those private companies who abuse the needs of consumers and speculate prices.“, said.

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Besides, People are advised not to self-medicate or do not take corticosteroids”This will lower your immunity and will not help us detect the virus in time”. On the other hand, he promised more 7 million Peruvians Maintenance, control and smoking areas of homes. “I would like to thank all of you for allowing us to clean your homes, better dispose of solid waste, and cover your water and drainage systems.“, he added.

Panorama in Lima

Max Bendezú Jaime, Directorate of Integrated Health Networks (TRIS) East Limamentioned that 1-2 new cases detected per day In some fields. “We are already approaching the plateau phase in points like Chaglacayo and Luricancho, thanks to joint efforts with all actors in the health sector.”, he thought.

Of the 20 regions with dengue epidemics, 6 continue to increase, namely Callo, Lima, Ica, La Libertad, Lumbeque and Buera.

Director of Tris Lima Norte is Nancy Jerba TavaraHe promised to express his work with a group of local governments to ensure that a large number of patients receive treatment in a short period of time before dengue fever is suspected.

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For his part, Director of the Diris Lima Center is Martín Gutiérrez Zapata, districts that are part of central Lima have been reported to have plateaued for two weeks. “There are no cases in abundance (…). We have done more 10,000 interventions Smoking”, he commented.

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Angel Omar Iribari Boycon, Chief of Staff of the Minister’s Officespoke on behalf of Lima Sur said. “around 70% The cases are from San Juan de Miraflores (…). is worrying 40% Citizens have shown opposition to the anti-smoking measures undertaken by the Ministry, which is a significant percentage. On the other hand, there were no deaths“, said.

A new genotype

Victor Javier Suarez Moreno, president of the National Institute of Health, Minza, recent studies have identified a new genotype of the virus that has greater potential for global expansion; It’s called Cosmopolitan. “This year we were able to show that cosmopolitanism has expanded across the country and is one of the factors associated with the increase in dengue cases.”, he mentioned.

Rosa Gutierrez Palomino, president of MINZA, noted that the sectors presenting a downward curve are Ayacucho, Cusco, Huanuco, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco and Ucayali.

Self medication

Sergio Reguenko, epidemiologist, pointed out to El Comercio that the problem is that some citizens forget the importance of scientific evidence in medicine and prefer to take the risks of empirical situations. “We cannot be guided by the personal experiences of our loved ones that are not sufficiently proven in studies (…). This is a clear example of disorganization and disorganization in our country“, said.

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For his part, César Cabezas, infectious disease doctor at the National Health Institute of the Ministry of Health (MINSA)., warned that people are resorting to self-medication instead of going to the nearest health facility. “This causes delay in getting medical help”, he promised. It recommends that those with severe symptoms of dengue, such as bleeding from the mouth or abdominal pain, go to a medical facility to be evaluated by staff.

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Victor Javier Suarez Moreno, head of the National Institute of Health in MINSA, warned that recent studies have identified a new genotype of the virus, which has a high potential to spread globally.


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