‘Mocha Salami’ Congressman Edgar Tello, who visited Russia, was caught shopping in China.

‘Mocha Salami’ Congressman Edgar Tello, who visited Russia, was caught shopping in China.
Edgar Dello responded when asked about his wife’s role in Congress. ATV

member of legislative Assemby Edgar Tello (Bloque Magisterial), accused of undercutting the salaries of his office workers and harassing a pregnant former employee, was caught shopping in a shopping center in China this Sunday.

According to the published images Television CenterThe MP was walking through Guangzhou, a city in the south of the Asian country, 12 days after the event ended his trip to Russia.

Delo was among a group of 13 members of Congress who flew to Moscow in late September at the invitation of Russian Federation State Duma Deputy Speaker Leonid Slutsky to participate in a conference on Latin America.

Although the President of the Legislative Assembly, Alejandro SotoThe visit was on personal basis and no evidence was taken from the public treasury, a document provided by the Office of the Chief Executive revealed to the board of directors.

The controversy was accompanied by a “strong” condemnation from the Ukrainian embassy in Lima. Vladimir Putin Implemented a “policy of occupation” with “genocidal practices in temporarily occupied territories”.

“When Russia Attacks Schools, Homes and Hospitals in Ukraine, [y] commits war crimes […], referring to the occupying country as visitation is unacceptable and toxic. Therefore, attending the above conference, Totally denigrates its participants“, the diplomatic headquarters noted in a statement.

According to participants, the event in Moscow ended on October 2, but Tello did not return to the country to return to his legislative work in person. She has yet to react to the release of pictures of her shopping.

Last September, with ten votes in favor and five abstentions, the ethics commission approved a report recommending a pay cut and reporting him for workplace harassment.

Congressman Edgar Dello is accused of underpaying his workers and of workplace harassment Andean (Daniel Bragamonte)

The case became public four months ago when an employee from his office reported it Final point The deputy ordered him to use his bonus to buy a video projector.

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A former employee who was fired for refusing a request said she was restrained when going to the bathroom or eating a snack. “She took it as an act of revenge and failed to tell the truth [el ser cambiada de puesto] To tarnish my image,” replied Tello, who was reported by the state attorney general’s office for concussion.

This offense involves the collection of arbitrary taxes or fees by a public authority or official for his own benefit. The Sunday newspaper also reported that the wife of the Member of Parliament, Sonia SuarezA day after his wife attended an organic food fair in February this year, he asked office staff for deposits and transfers to travel to Nuremberg (Germany).

A member of the Legislature of Peru Libre has made serious allegations against him.

The teacher asked a worker Foreign Trade and Tourism CommissionLater led by her husband, to lend him 9,688 soles, the cost of the ticket. According to the newspaper report, the amount will be returned by an aide from the congressional office.

For that trip to Germany, the MP received $3,240. However, its companion document contained plagiarized content from Professor Pedro Barrientos Felipa’s article. His wife, for her part, came to work for the Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency (OEFA) despite being disabled.

In addition, seven people who went to the sub-office received contracts with the state for a total of 244,300 soles. Trade. For many of them, it was the first time they received service orders with ministries and programs during Pedro Castillo’s government.

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