More Italian women in science, but… – Science and Technology

More Italian women in science, but… – Science and Technology

(ANSA) – Rome – And this year, February 11, marks the International Day of Women and Youth in Science, established in 2015 with the aim of promoting full and equal access to science. An opportunity to reflect on the results achieved so far, but above all the many more to be achieved in Italy.
The first data is provided by the Deloitte STEM Observatory: Italian women enrolled in a career in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) represent only 14.5% of those studying at university, far below the European average. .
Almost half of the interviewees still talk about gender stereotypes, which is often a strong motivation to carry out these studies. As can be seen from a 2023 study published in The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, this gap has many consequences in the world of work. Key persons such as professors, directors of departments and research centers.
In STEM precisely one gap is worsening: while women hold more than 30% of career positions in the humanities, that number drops to 22% in the natural sciences and 17.9% in engineering and technology-related fields.
Italy is far behind in this regard, occupying the last place in Europe. But the barriers to be broken are found at an early age. According to data from another survey conducted by Ipsos for Save the Children, published in 2022, girls continue to feel that science topics are “unsuitable” for them, despite conspiracies of 54% of female students.
To tackle the difficulties women and girls still face, initiatives such as the University of Milan, which has launched a call for projects coordinated by young researchers returning from maternity leave, are useful: the aim is to encourage them to continue. His professional scientific career.
The 'Girls@Polimi – Scholarship for Future Female Engineers' program of the Polytechnic of Milan aims to support female students in STEM fields, aiming to encourage women to achieve their goals. Many universities, institutions and research institutes use the day dedicated to women and girls to bring them closer to the world of science.
From Rome to Cagliari, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics passes through Turin and Florence, with numerous events, with lectures, meetings and theatrical performances aimed at young female students.
Infn's social channels also join the #WomenInScience campaign, which gives space to the contributions of four outstanding scientists to the advancement of knowledge: Vera Cooper Rubin, Marietta Blau, Chien Shiung Wu and Milla Baldo Ceolin. The National Institute of Astrophysics is also focusing on an exhibition: 'STEMmano ponno esse donne o ponno esse scientiate', organized by the scientific dissemination project La Scienza Coatta, which will take place on February 11 in Rome (ANSA).

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