More than 100 centers, 6,000 students and 800 teachers support the XXI edition of the Seville Science Fair

More than 100 centers, 6,000 students and 800 teachers support the XXI edition of the Seville Science Fair

Seville, 16 May. (Europe Press) –

The Andalusian Council of Governments learned this Tuesday of the participation of the Ministry of Education Development and Vocational Training in the 21st edition of the Science Fair held between May 10 and 12 at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones (Fibes) in Seville. Nearly 30,000 people visited.

111 educational centers, 6,000 students and 800 teachers from all over Andalucía participated in the event, with the aim of “awakening scientific careers and encouraging innovative and entrepreneurial spirit among Andalusian youth”. The Science Fair is a major activity run by the Andalusian Society for Scientific Dissemination (SADC), organized by Fundación Descubre and sponsored by the Ministry of Educational Development and Vocational Training, among other organizations.

The board explained in a press release that it is a place for the meeting, exchange, dissemination and communication of scientific, technical and environmental knowledge with the aim of “creating a taste” for knowledge among Andalusian students. It is addressed to the general public, especially educational institutions, teachers and students.

In this way, the Board has participated with two exhibitors: one for ‘Advanced Technology and Educational Change’ and one for ‘Andalusia Profundiza’, which facilitates the participation of educational centers that do not have their own exhibitor to present its mission. Innovation projects. Thus, 18 centers have offered programs through various activities, workshops or experiments, the “essential” condition of which is that the student body disseminates it with activities that allow it to interact with the public.

In the ‘Andalusia Profundisa’ project, works are exhibited to encourage students’ interest in research, creation and discovery. Thus, 16 science projects are shown with different themes and representation from all provinces. During this course, more than 4,300 primary (grades 3 to 6) and secondary students from 220 centers participate in the program.

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Training activities have also been undertaken for the teachers participating in the science fair. This edition includes key topics on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focusing on food and responsible consumption, as well as biodiversity and climate change. In addition, ‘The Sun, Our Star’, ‘Steam Space’ and First Around the World are also proposed themes, although each participating center or organization can choose a free theme.

It has 120 exhibitors and the collaboration of more than 40 institutions, including research centers, universities, institutes and other scientific institutions in Andalusia and 800 researchers and dissemination personnel. Apart from the activities and experiments developed at the various exhibitions, in the Science Forum, within the exhibition itself, we were able to experience a stellar program of activities, which were the activities of educational centers and participating institutions. selected to calculate at this point.


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