NASA will launch the first flight of the X-59 supersonic test flight

NASA will launch the first flight of the X-59 supersonic test flight

The American space agency will launch a test flight this Friday at 6 pm (Argentine time), which will be broadcast on social networks.

Experimental aircraft, X-59. Photo: X/@NASA

NASA is advancing its new technologies Supersonic test flight An example of that. This Friday, the scientific institute specializes in space exploration Making the first flight of the X-59, An aircraft that combines its new technologies with established aircraft systems and components.

This is part of the plane NASA's new initiative to add this type of aircraft to commercial aircraft After the failed Concorde experience in 2003, the plane stopped flying. In this project, the X-59Launched six years ago and costing around 250 million dollars, it will culminate in the inaugural release It will be broadcast live on the networks starting at 6:00 PM Argentina time.

NASA logo.  Photo: Reuters.NASA logo. Photo: Reuters.

This aircraft is designed by NASA It is 30 meters long and 4.27 meters high. In addition, it has a single engine with an altitude of 16,764 meters, which is equivalent to 55,000 feet of travel. It will travel at a speed of 1,489 kilometers per hour.

With this new flight, the scientific institute will seek to prove A supersonic aircraft with a sonic boom, they often call it “a sonic boom”.. The flight was planned for 2023, but the plane needed more time to be ready for this moment. NASA.

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Test flight X-59 It promises to solve the problems these ships used: When they exceed the speed of sound, they are explosive noises. According to the company Lockheed MartinThe plane, which collaborated with NASA for its development, will produce only 75 decibels of sound, which is about as loud as a car door slamming shut.

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NASA's test flight will take off at 6:00 PM Argentina time.  Photo: X/@NASANASA's test flight will take off at 6:00 PM Argentina time. Photo: X/@NASA

Loud booms, caused when an object travels faster than the sound waves they create, can damage buildings, scare animals, and be a nuisance to anyone within range of the noise. To test the sound range, NASA plans to fly over several communities to get information on how residents perceive the noise caused by the test flight.

After collecting this information, the Company will provide it to US and international regulatory agencies. To achieve a change in the rules banning commercial supersonic flights above the earth.


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