Nation's Bank | Pay Schedule April 2024 for Pensioners, Public Sector Employees and Others | Answers

Nation's Bank |  Pay Schedule April 2024 for Pensioners, Public Sector Employees and Others |  Answers

Millions of Peruvians rely on Banco de la Nación for their payments and transactions. That is why the financial institution has already shared the schedule for disbursement of salaries and pensions related to the month of April 2024 in the public administration. This calendar is based on Deputy Ministerial Resolution no. Issued as per 005-2023-EF/11.01. December last year.


Thursday 11

  • Head of the Council of Ministers.
  • Authorized person.
  • Ministry of Justice.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Ministry of Economy and Finance.
  • Public universities.
  • Comptroller General of the Republic.
  • Office of the Ombudsman.
  • National Judicial Board.
  • Public Ministry.
  • Constitutional Court.
  • Congress of the Republic.
  • National Election Commission.
  • National Office of Electoral Procedures.
  • National Identity Registration and Civil Status.
  • Regional Governments: Agricultural Administrative Units.

Friday the 12th

  • Ministry of Education: UGEL 01,03 and 07.

Monday the 15th

  • Ministry of Culture.
  • Ministry of Education: Except UGEL 01, 03 and 07.
  • Regional Governments: Educational Administrative Units.

Tuesday the 16th

  • Ministry of Environment.
  • Ministry of Health.
  • Ministry of Labor and Employment Development.
  • Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation.
  • Ministry of Energy and Mines.
  • Ministry of Defence.
  • Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism.
  • Ministry of Transport and Communications.
  • Ministry of Housing, Construction and Health.
  • Ministry of Production.
  • Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Population.
  • Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion.
  • Regional Governments: All implementing units except education and agriculture.

Wednesday the 17th

Pay Schedule for Government Servants April 2024

Thursday, April 18

  • Head of the Council of Ministers
  • Authorized person
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Economy and Finance
  • Public universities
  • Comptroller General of the Republic
  • Office of the Ombudsman
  • National Judicial Board
  • Public Ministry
  • Constitutional Court
  • Congress of the Republic
  • National Election Commission
  • National Office of Electoral Procedures
  • National Identity Registration and Civil Status
  • Regional Governments: Agricultural Implementing Units.
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Friday 19th April

  • Ministry of Education (UGEL 1, 3 and 7) and Regional Governments (Education Implementation Units except Cajamarca, La Libertad, Jun, Buera, Ancash, Loreto and Puno).

Monday, 22 April

  • Ministry of Culture
  • Ministry of Education: Less UGEL 1, 3, 7
  • Regional Governments: Educational Implementation Units of Cajamarca, La Libertad, Junín, Piura, Áncash, Loreto and Puno.

Tuesday, April 23

  • Ministry of Environment
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Labor and Employment Development
  • Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation
  • Ministry of Energy and Mines
  • Ministry of Defence
  • Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism
  • Ministry of Transport and Communications
  • Ministry of Housing, Construction and Health
  • Ministry of Production
  • Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Population
  • Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion
  • Regional Governments: All implementing units except education and agriculture.

Wednesday, April 24

Banco de la Nación pension payment schedule for April 2024

  • Friday, April 5: Pensioners with paternal surnames beginning with letters between A and C
  • Monday, April 8: Pensioners with paternal surnames beginning with letters between D and L
  • Tuesday, April 9: Pensioners with paternal surnames beginning with letters between M and Q
  • Wednesday, April 10: Pensioners with paternal surnames beginning with letters between R and Z
  • Tuesday, April 16: International agreement. Covers pensioners from Act No. 27803
  • From 11th to 20th April: Payment to address.

Decree Law no. 18846

  • Credit to Bank Account: April 11
  • Housing Fee (Decree Law No. 18846): From 16th to 20th April.

Decree Law 20530 and pensions ONP on demand

  • Credit to Bank Account: April 11
  • House Fee (Regular Pension): From 16th to 20th April.

Act 30003, Fishery Pensioners

  • Credit to Bank Account: April 11
  • Address Charges: From 16th to 20th April.
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Act No. 26790, Supplementary Hazard Employment Insurance Pension

  • Credit to Bank Account: April 11
  • Address Charges: From 16th to 20th April.


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