Nevado del Ruiz volcano live and live: latest news and reports SGC | Answers

Nevado del Ruiz volcano live and live: latest news and reports SGC |  Answers

He In Colombia, the government declared an orange alert due to its erratic activity and possible eruption, causing great concern to all citizens near the area. For this reason, local areas such as Dolima, Caldas and Risaralta, People who are prepared to deal with any mishap or emergency.

According to recent reports, fluid movement inside the mountain has been recorded through underground conduits. In parallel, ash emissions and sulfur dioxide emissions continue.

The Nevado del Ruiz volcano, located in central Colombia, continues to have “highly unstable” activity and “thermal anomalies” are observed in its crater, for which an orange alert has been maintained since March 31, according to reports from the SGC. Here we tell you which areas are affected, how the evacuation process was carried out and what the report is. (Colombian Geographical Service) and other details of what lives in coffee country.

The Geological Service, which closely monitors Nevado del Ruiz’s activity, said the cone’s main seismic activity is “associated with the movement of fluids within the volcanic conduits and the release of gases and ash.”

What about Nevado del Ruiz Volcano in Colombia?

As a result, the SGC says, the activity of the volcano “continues to be very unstable”, which, together with other phenomena, “the presence of thermal anomalies at the bottom of the crater is greater than that presented in the previous months. Ashes, parameters that indicate a higher level of activity with respect to the previous weeks, should be monitored in a permanent and special way .

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The Geological Service, regarding surface activity, said “the maximum height of the gas column from the top of the volcano was measured at 1,800 meters, which was associated with the ash emission recorded on April 19.”

On November 13, 1985, the Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupted and its glaciers melted, causing an avalanche that buried the town of Armero in the Department of Dolima, killing more than 23,000 of its 25,000 inhabitants, in the worst natural disaster.

When will Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupt?

Although the orange alert is maintained, authorities are urging people living near the volcano to remain aware that Nevado del Ruiz may erupt at any time.

“It is likely to explode in days or weeks. No one can say when. Another option is to keep it quiet and non-explosive. We are acting as if there is going to be an explosion,” said Luis Fernando Velasco, director in charge of the National Division for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD).

Why is Nevado del Ruiz volcano rumbling?

According to reports from residents near the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, noises have been reported since April 18 in the Siphon field (7 kilometers northeast of the crater).

According to the Colombian Geological Service (SGC), people can feel “vibrations produced by the volcano through its seismic activity” in some areas where noise is not normally heard.

“That is within the normal range for a volcano at this stage. The probability of an eruption will not change in days or weeks,” John Macario Londono, SGC’s technical director of geohazards, told Diario El Tiempo.

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Likewise, it was confirmed that the noises would not precipitate a final explosion: “It is within the contemplated parameters.”

Which municipalities are affected by a possible eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano?

On April 12, Colombian authorities recorded ash fall in the Colombian municipalities of Villamaría and Filandia on Wednesday due to the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, which is on orange alert and could erupt within days or weeks.

“Reports of ash fall were received in the municipalities of Villamaria (Caltas) and Filandia (Quintio). The release of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere is maintained at the same level as yesterday,” the Colombian Geological Service (SGC) described in a statement.

“Seismic activity associated with rock fracturing within the volcanic edifice continues on the southwest side of the volcano, at a depth of 2 to 4 kilometers and 2 to 6 kilometers from the crater,” the information added.

What does the Nevado del Ruiz volcano emit sulfur dioxide?

According to the SGC, the sulfur dioxide emission from Nevado del Ruiz volcano “indicates that the volcanic system is not completely closed. If it were, the gases inside would “accumulate, increasing the probability of an eruption exponentially.”


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