Protein Voucher | Poultry price: How much has its price fallen in the markets? | Egg | Midakry | Economy

Protein Voucher |  Poultry price: How much has its price fallen in the markets?  |  Egg |  Midakry |  Economy

Christian Carey, General Director of Statistics, Monitoring, Policy Evaluation at Midagri, explained in the RPP that two factors that had influenced the increase in poultry were “somehow” reversed: bird flu and soybean input imports.

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“In the case of soybeans, along with soy, the bird’s main food, soybean income increased by 20% from January to April, according to solid import figures from Sunat. There is an important detail: Bolivia is no longer the main supplier of soybeans, but other countries in the region,” he said.

According to Midakry, this is worth mentioning Sliced ​​chicken Its average price peaked at S/13.22 in the retail market on April 21.

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In wholesale markets, the average price of chicken was S/7.47, down from S/8.52 on May 1, down S/1.05. According to Midagre, its highest value was recorded on April 25 when it reached S/9.12 per kg.

Added to this is the state’s strategy to deal with the bird flu problem, says Gonzalo Manrique, senior economist at the Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE). However, the trend Poultry price It all depends on how effective this program will be in the future.

However, it mentions its price Sliced ​​chickenAlthough below S/12, it is still higher than 2022 and pre-pandemic levels.

According to the Midakry Bird Marketing and Pricing Bulletin, The Sliced ​​chicken On May 23, 2022, it was S/9.49 in the retail markets and S/6.47 in the wholesale level in Metropolitan Lima and Callo.

Similarly, on February 21, 2020 – the reference date, retail and wholesale were S/7.70 and S/4.85 respectively.


Meanwhile, according to Sisap, the average price Egg This Monday’s wholesale level is S/9.40, up from S/9.60 on May 1. This represents a decrease of S/0.20.

Raul Salas, president of the Poultry Farmers Association of the South (AVISUR), explained that this is due to the decrease in the price of inputs, both corn and soybeans imported from Bolivia. However, there is still a problem with replacing egg-laying birds, he said.

“Because we already have the vaccine [contra la gripe aviar]We as producers are re-breeding, re-stocking our farm, but the majority of birds currently producing eggs are old chickens, which we would have all sold,” he said.

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That’s because older hens produce fewer eggs than younger hens, he said. He also argued that if older chickens were not used, the price would have gone up.

“There is a population, not just ordinary people, because breeders are also affected. It will be more sustainable [la cantidad de aves productoras] Another 8 months,” he said. This will positively impact prices Egg.

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Valuable protein

Last Friday, Alex Contreras, head of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), announced the use of the protein voucher within the FISE voucher as part of the ‘Con Panche Peru 2’ program.

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Precisely, he explained that the move is due to the high inflation still prevailing in the country, which is why “many families do not consume protein.”

The protein voucher represents an increase of S/25 made in the FISE voucher for four months and will be received by about 1.2 million families – according to the MEF, this represents 5 million Peruvians who are generally in poverty. and extreme poverty.

“Now 1.2 million people have a FISE voucher with their electricity bill. That way they get a discount when they go and buy gas. Now they’re going to get an extra S/25, which means a ball of gas ranging from S/50 to S/52, depending on the area, and they’ll go with that voucher and practically pay the price of the entire ball. “We reject that it’s a voucher for you to buy chicken directly, rather it’s called a ‘protein voucher’ because you’re freeing up the S/25 and you can use it to narrow this food gap very much,” he said at a press conference on Friday.

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In this sense, Manrique maintains that these are strategies to reduce hyperinflation, recalling that this occurs “in the whole food category”.

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Precisely, in the May 20 edition of IPE, El Comercio, 69% of products in the basic basket of food and beverages still had inflation in April, exceeding the target range of 3%.

“This price increase is also somewhat general because these initial factors that cause price increases in corn, soybeans, fuel, etc. affect not only the production of these foods but also other foods in general,” he said.


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