Home science Nueva Canarias proposes to build a science museum in Mirga

Nueva Canarias proposes to build a science museum in Mirga

Nueva Canarias proposes to build a science museum in Mirga

Nueva Canarias in Santa Cruz de la Palma proposes a formation Science Museum In the municipality, a press release said.

“This activity, which is considered educational and informative, can be located on the land owned by the municipality in the neighborhood of Mirka, which will undoubtedly be a great opportunity for the municipality that does not have scientific infrastructures” , underlines.

The exercise “allows a cultural encounter with science among the school population of the municipality, but also aims at all citizens in another particular aspect of our leisure offer and tourism visiting the island.”

Nueva Canarias understands that “cruise passengers, when they visit the island, do not have enough time to learn about important scientific sites such as the Roque de Los Muchachos Visitor Center or the Caños de Fuego de los Manchas, which is far from the port of the capital, which is why Santa Cruz A scientific space in de la Palma can act as a link between them, a first approach to problems important to our island, such as stars or volcanoes.

The Councilor for Nueva Canarias, Maeve Sanjuán Duque, said, “It is necessary to set up new scientific infrastructures on the island, because La Palma can offer a lot in this sector. Santa Cruz de la Palma can add to this commitment, setting aside its own spaces and supporting initiatives of this nature.

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