Opening of expertise in aerospace industry and systems

Opening of expertise in aerospace industry and systems

The opening ceremony of Specialization in Industry and Space Systems took place this afternoon in the Library of Science Culture Center (C3). The event was chaired by Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Plimus; Director of Curriculum and Special Adviser to the Ministry Guillermo Salvador; Administrative and Technical Director of the National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE), Raoul Kuliczewski; INVAP Technical Integration Services Manager, Juan Carlos Rodriguez; and Alejandro Martínez, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the National University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

In his words, Minister Filmus said: “We know that science and technology are a great unifying tool for our countries and that sovereignty today passes through science and technology. This is an important part of the well-being of our people, and we are very happy to have them here.

Likewise, the Minister of Science celebrated the implementation of this educational project: “This is the first educational initiative of this nature, and we believe that we can implement such a proposal every year. We are proud to be able to showcase these highly dense and cutting-edge companies.

And he concluded: “If we add up all the investment in science and technology of the Latin American countries, it is not equal to the investment that France has in this subject today. How can we compete in certain areas if we do not coordinate and join efforts? We all have the same problems and we need to coordinate to get better results.

In his speech, Guillermo Salvatierra thanked the participating embassy members: “We are very proud that they approached this project within the framework of the international cooperation programs that the Ministry of Science and CONAE have. The partners have created a scholarship system to create this group.

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The specialization has the participation of 26 students from the space industry and 35% participation of women in companies that promote and use space technology. In addition, 10 foreign students study, with representation from all Latin American space agencies and organizations such as the Bolivian Space Agency; Brazilian Space Agency; Chilean Space Association; Mexican Space Agency; Space Agency of Paraguay; Peru’s National Commission for Space Research and Development; Bolivarian Institute for Space Activities; National Office of Hydrography and Geodesy of Cuba; and Costa Rica’s aerospace cluster.

In addition, experts from the main companies of the Argentine space industry and related companies will participate.

Officials and members of embassies and embassies organizing the postgraduate course of the students also attended the event.

The Master’s course is a joint effort of the main characters of the Argentine space program, and its purpose is to share with regional countries the experience of the 30 years of development of space activities in our country and to contribute to the training of quality man. Resources for Industry. It is taught by experts from CONAE, INVAP or professors from the Faculty of Engineering of UBA who teach courses in space technology, planning and management of complex space projects, construction, commissioning, operation, inspection and maintenance of space equipment. Develop the skills of professionals to coordinate with interdisciplinary teams for research and technology development and/or application in the aerospace industry.

A graduate specializing in Aerospace Industry and Systems will have the training needed to manage complex space programs in technology companies, space agencies, and companies in the space industry. For the development of technological and operational changes to meet the needs of the organizational environment of manufacturing sectors and space ecosystem.

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