Parties explain plans to boost economy to businessmen

Parties explain plans to boost economy to businessmen

Parties explain plans to boost economy to businessmenZaragoza Chamber

Nine political parties with parliamentary representation participated in the function meeting organized CEOE Aragon, Cepyme Aragón and the Aragonese Council of Chambers To know about economic activities and their plans related to business and employment for the next legislature.

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The meeting was chaired by the leaders of the three organisations. Miguel Marzo, Maria Jesus Lorente Y Manuel Rodriguez Seza, respectively, which highlight the value and socioeconomic contribution of firms and entrepreneurs. In this regard, vigor and vital importance Social conversation Economic and social stability in a self-governing society, attracting and maintaining investment and job creation and a labor market that encourages talent and reduces conflict.

Features like Tax competitiveness Aragon, which currently has the highest tax range of the autonomous communities, or attended a meeting in the context of water and its use and the development of infrastructures. 240 recommendations CEOE Aragón for the present and future of Aragón was jointly raised by the Aragonese Council of Chambers and Cepyme Aragón and sent to the political parties a few weeks ago.

Rodríguez Chesa highlighted the importance of the three companies coming together to create these proposals, which include “significant actions. Taxation, Labor Market, Digitization, Administrative Barriers, Business Sector Development, Internationalization, Infrastructures, Social Dialogue and Aragon Brand“. In total, a total of 240 measures are indicated 16 subjectsBusinessmen consider it essential to achieve a political and administrative ecosystem that favors the development and competitiveness of Aragon’s manufacturing fabric.


Cámara Zaragoza and Esade expand their collaboration

Esade It is one of the five best business schools in Spain and has collaborated with the Cámara Zaragoza for 15 years to offer its training programs in Zaragoza. Currently, more than 70% of Esade alumni have passed through Cámara Zaragoza classrooms.

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Both companies have renewed their collaboration and now, in addition to presenting their projects at Cámara Zaragoza, they will be allowed to participate in activities at the Barcelona and Madrid campuses. Also included is synchronous online training in on/off formats on high-impact topics. Finally, Esade offers the opportunity to engage professors for tailor-made training for companies.

In this year, the Program for Leadership Development · PLD®-ESADEand registration period Human resource management planIt will start on October 25.

Success of Employment and Entrepreneurship Fair

The last edition of the Employment and Entrepreneurship Fair of the Chamber of Zaragoza.

The Employment and Entrepreneurship Fair de Cámara Zaragoza broke records again. In its seventh edition, The fair brought together around 200 youth with more than 60 companies, Exceeding participation numbers of previous editions. Throughout the morning, companies welcomed young people to their stands, who left their CVs and were keen to offer each of them employment, training and coaching. Companies have viewed the initiative very positively as an opportunity to recruit talent, as they are having trouble filling some vacancies.

Demands of construction sector

After signing the document, representatives of the department.

Considering the next municipal and regional elections, MrConstruction Department They have come together to express their demands to political representatives to mitigate the effects of the crisis. They signed Document They highlighted a number of aspects, including bureaucratic obstacles preventing the proper development of the process, the need to facilitate access to sustainable and energy-efficient housing, and the urgency of adequate mechanisms to allow for the review of public procurement prices.

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‘Camera and Action’: Transformation in Communication

Participants in the discussion table of the ‘Camera and Action’ event.

In the first instance Camera and action, two discussion tables were used for young people from Zaragoza to talk about how the world of communication, marketing and advertising has changed. Social media experts Angel Moreno, Theresa Chance Y Paul Lobago Meanwhile, expressed their views Nacho Royo and Alpha Miller (Live Latin) and Etienne Side (Embou) said how a great event like the Vive Latino festival is being broadcast using new channels. The day brought together dozens of young people interested in new trends.

Occupational health and safety cycle

The cycle begins Creating Safe and Healthy Workplaces’Coordinated by Antonio Barracina (IASS). The first session will be held on May 19.Presented by Ruth Vallejo, FCC Chairman’s Director of Occupational Risk Prevention and Human Resources.Integrating a gender perspective in occupational health and safety’.


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