Patria Bonds Active Today June 3 to 9: Payment Dates, Amounts and How to Collect | Venezuela

Patria Bonds Active Today June 3 to 9: Payment Dates, Amounts and How to Collect |  Venezuela

Venezuelans will be able to collect new economic support through the Patria platform in the first week of June 2024.

Bonuses active today in Venezuela: Check how to access each benefit | Photo: Libero Mix

Los Domestic securities From Venezuela by June 2024, Patria came through the system, with the aim of benefiting citizens who are properly registered on the platform. So, it’s important to know what fares will be available from Monday the 3rd until the end of this week. Check the complete list.

So far in the administration, it should be remembered that many families have already benefited, and likewise, they will receive money from each of them. Official approvals are monthly. But, with this in mind, it is important to know the list of bonuses that can be collected today.

Let’s remember that all monetary allocations given by concerned authorities come through the Patria system, so it is always important to be vigilant Platform updates Regarding the charges received. wait

What bonus is Patria getting this week?

The first week of June officially began this Monday, June 3, with the first weekend. For this reason, here is what we tell you Grants are available from today through this Sunday, June 9.

  • First special bonusComing between June 6th and 9th.
  • 100% Greater Love will arrive in the first week of June.
  • The Robert Serra Mission Scholarship will be awarded during the last week of the first week of June.
  • Co-responsibility and training, coming on 1st June.

What Patria Bonds Can You Collect Today?

Current financial benefits They are currently on Patria side, There are six, and you can go to your account now to get the money on time before your deadline expires.

  • Homes of the Motherland
  • Jose Gregorio Hernandez
  • Family Economy
  • breast milk
  • human birth
  • 100% schooling.
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How to collect Patria Bonds?

In order to be able to provide each grant in Native organizationYou just need to follow few steps in the guide that we share with you below.

  • Log in to the Patria platform.
  • Go to ‘Wallet’ and go to ‘Withdrawal’.
  • Select source wallet, amount and destination of funds.
  • Press the ‘Continue’ button and then ‘Accept’.
  • Finally, the computer will show you that the operation was successful, and that’s it.

How to claim Patria Bonus in your account?

If you are having trouble getting the money you deserve in bonds, you may want to take into account some of the government’s recommendations.

Now you can know some important and decisive points to keep in mind to realize why you might have problems processing your payments.

  • Misinformation: The data provided may be incorrect. Checking accuracy is essential.
  • Transfer of funds to a third party who is not part of your family unit.
  • A cell phone number is not associated with a user on the platform.
  • Change of address: If you change residence and do not update information, bonus may not come.
  • Technical issues– System failures can cause delays or losses.


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