Pedro Castillo and the nine prepaid chips in his suitcase found on the day of the coup | Sarah Corey | Salatiel Marrufo | Confiscation of property | December 7 | Geiner Alvarado Criminal Organization | principle

Pedro Castillo and the nine prepaid chips in his suitcase found on the day of the coup |  Sarah Corey |  Salatiel Marrufo |  Confiscation of property |  December 7 |  Geiner Alvarado Criminal Organization |  principle

Later that night, after opening an investigation against the former president, the prosecutor’s office, Government House, the President’s residence and the spousal support office were raided and various properties were found.

Representatives of the Public Ministry found it on the second floor of the President’s residence In one aisle, there were travel bags, suitcases and plastic bags that contained the belongings of the now-imprisoned former president and his relatives.

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In addition, a white and blue cloth handbag was found containing nine sealed Movistar prepaid chips, a white polyethylene bag and an empty Apple brand cell phone case; And on whose surface a yellow paper with the number 970064317 was stuck with sticky tape.

All of which were sealed and sealed as indicated in the entry dated December 8, 2022 and recorded as “Exhibit of documents and others in the third context – path”.

Pedro Castillo appeared at the prosecutor’s office with his counsel, Anibal Torres.

On April 21, 2023, the Second Interim Supreme Prosecutor’s Office specializing in crimes committed by public officials – which is in charge of the process followed against Castillo Terrones for the crime of rebellion – carried out the smear procedure and warned that the assets are private. For whatever reason, the process was suspended to confirm the seizure and to de-conflict the communications and access the information on the said chips.

The prosecution said they seized nine (09) sealed Movistar prepaid chips, which were found inside a white polyethylene bag; AND, ONE (01) EMPTY CELL PHONE BOX, YELLOW PAPER WITH THE BRAND “APPLE” TAPE ON THE SURFACE 970064317; Items discovered during the process of displaying and seizing non-private documents”, indicated the judicial document obtained by El Comercio.

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On May 16, Supreme Preparatory Trial Judge Juan Carlos Cegli ruled that the assets found in Castillo’s personal belongings, though seized, could have been used to commit the crimes investigated. or as may be necessary for their clarification.

“After evaluation, the Public Ministry alleged that the seized assets (chips and a paper with a phone number attached to an empty cell phone case) could be related to the investigation conducted against Castillo Terrones; Therefore, it is about the action of collection by way of seizure and custody or preservation of things connected with the offense or necessary for its elucidation,” the magistrate said.

For this reason, it legally confirmed the seizure of nine chips and a telephone box and related annotations.

The Department of Justice confirms the seizure of phone chips found on Pedro Castillo's property.

The Department of Justice confirms the seizure of phone chips found on Pedro Castillo’s property.

They are constantly looking for activities in housing and SBN

On the other hand, Judge Raul Justiniano Romero ordered the declassification of nine interrogation and one witness communications related to alleged corrupt practices in the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation during the government of Pedro Castillo.

They are former ministerial adviser Salatiel Marrufo, businessman Sada Angelica Corey Chong, former National Assets Superintendent Cynthia Rahul Rudas Murga, former SBN manager Jacqueline Perales Olano and former SBN officials Agle Suparia Franco and Hector Manuel Chavez Arenas, Flovera A Armelia Biller Celinda Dejero Martino, Jorge Maurice Fernandini Arbulu and Italo Alexander Arbulu Ortega (not investigated).

“Whose persons and cell phones have made the coordination for the alleged execution of the specified crimes, and who are the owners of the subject of the declassification of the communications,” the prosecutor’s office said.

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In this case, crimes like criminal organization, passive bribery, general active bribery and influence peddling are investigated.

According to a Public Ministry report, after Castillo Terrones won the 2021 elections, the criminal organization he led entrenched itself in various government departments, including the Ministry of Housing.

CE-03-2022 prosecuted the statement of an interested collaborator who, in the first days of September 2022, “met Segundo Alejandro Sánchez Sánchez, Gian Marco Castillo Casquez and Frey on the fifth floor of the Sarredia house. Castillo.

All of them, according to the competent collaborator, “agreed to appoint Jacqueline Guadalupe Perales Olano as General Manager of the National Assets Surveillance to direct the cleanup of state-owned land”. Alejandro Sánchez was acquired or given to persons close to Sánchez and Castillo’s sons-in-law, “to be able to transport with them, and direct the clearing of the Company’s land in exchange for the payment of a commission with the approval of the President. ..)”.

One of the cases relates to businessman Sada Gorey, who, according to the prosecutor’s office, allegedly paid Salatiel Marroufo more than S/4 million to overhaul administrative processes in the clearing of land holdings in Silca. 2021 and 2022.

“The accused Sada Gore Chong handed over Salatiel Marrufo Alcantara, a member of the criminal organization led by former President Jose Pedro Castillo Terrones, because he gave a decisive law that was detrimental to the interests of the investigated Sada Gore Chong. In accordance with their illegality, more than four million negotiating soles, an industry under the national surveillance of national assets “It will be responsible for issuing notices in their favor to engage experts,” the attorney’s office said.

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The prosecution recalled that Salatiel Marrufo confirmed before Congress that the money was received from Corey, who was under investigation, and where they went.

For this reason, the Public Ministry requested the declassification of the communications of those involved in the case.

Judge Justiniano Romero declared the request established and ordered telephone companies Bitel (Viettel), Claro (América Móvil Perú SAC), Entel Peru and Telefónica del Peru SA (Movistar) to “submit historical records for the period from 11 April 2021”. December 7, 2022″.

The report should include incoming and outgoing calls and “Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Signal)” companies should report calls, messages, to the Public Ministry for the period “April 11, 2021 to December 7, 2022”. Sent videos and more.


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