PKP | Can Kuczynski avoid prison? The lawyer explains his situation Prosecutor’s Office | Odebrecht | Lava Jato Case | Currently

PKP |  Can Kuczynski avoid prison?  The lawyer explains his situation  Prosecutor’s Office |  Odebrecht |  Lava Jato Case |  Currently

Despite requests from the prosecutor’s office, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski will remain silent, his lawyer says. Photo: Spread

The case Former President Pedro Pablo sought a 35-year prison sentence against Kuczynski Money laundering is said to be a crime Along with the bad situation of the criminal organization, along with it Received more than 12 million US dollars Otbrecht.

It is noteworthy that the former president agreed to a move Home Guard Until it is changed for appearance with judicial restraints. In this context, the following question arose:Kuczynski If you are convicted, can you avoid jail time, despite your age?

To solve this question, Republic The attorney spoke with Liliana Calderon. She clarified that “The sentence must be carried out in a prison without regard to the age of the person.” Precautionary measures such as preventive detention are, above all, in certain cases, a person who is pregnant, disabled, suffering from a serious illness or over 65 years of age. This may conflict with the case Alberto Fujimori, Despite being 84 years old, he has been serving his sentence in a Barbados prison since 2007.

To conclude the argument, he added the following: “There is no age-related appeal for you to appeal.”

How will the PPK case proceed?

Former President Peter Paul Kuczynski It has been under investigation since 2019 for money laundering. Since then, he has been placed under house arrest, barred from leaving the country, and has other restrictions.

Now and then The request of the Ministry of Public There will be more oral hearings against the former president. According to Calderon, the entire process will take “a long time,” so it’s not yet possible to conclude exactly when a verdict will come against him.

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A conviction for PPK carries a jail term of up to 35 years. Photo: Composite LR/File


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