Police Thieves: PNP and government admit to robbery in Magdalena by intelligence agents

Police Thieves: PNP and government admit to robbery in Magdalena by intelligence agents

The Commander-in-Chief of the National Police (PNP), George AnguloThis Monday admitted two agents from the company's intelligence unit were involved in the attack on the jewelry store in Magdalena del Mar. One has already been arrested and another is under investigation, the police chief said.

“This is disloyalty and betrayal of the principles that mark the company's work. Within 24 hours we were able to catch the members of the criminal gang that attacked the jewelry store in Magdalena. “We are cleaning our house,” he said in a press conference in which he was accompanied by the general. Victor MontoyaInspector of the PNP.

“We do that work: by wearing the uniform, we identify and catch bad elements that harm the organization.” […] Bad citizens make bad police officers. Or what good citizen can be the enemy of a good police officer?” he questioned. The attack took place last Friday and was captured on video surveillance cameras.

The third is a non-commissioned officer Victor Alayo, linked to the criminal network 'Los Sarabas', entered the company with his service weapon and knocked down a worker. Amid the panic, another unidentified agent broke one of the display cases and stole the jewelery with the help of another accused. The stolen amount is reached 30 thousand dollars.

MAGDALENA: A police officer suspected of involvement in the attack on Leslie Jewelry in the popular market has been arrested.

Alayo was arrested on Sunday Lima Police Region, where he works in the search department. “On learning of the crime, a team from the Directorate of Investigation immediately rushed to the spot. As a result of the procedures carried out, there is a person who directly participated in this criminal act. [También] It was possible to observe the participation of another [agente]said the inspector. Montoya.

“We cannot give details of identity [este último] Because the investigation process is still going on. It is a compression process that lasts for ten days. The seized money has already been immediately distributed,” he continued. After the Cabinet, the Home Secretary, Victor TorresAnd spoke about the matter and expected strict punishments against those involved in this “regrettable incident”.

“We don't do any kind of esprit de corps. The full weight of the law will fall on them after the investigations that are currently being carried out administratively by our Inspector General and on the criminal side as it continues. I repeat: Let the weight of the law fall strongly upon these Bad elements” he announced.

The mayor of the municipality of Magdalena mentioned the rental of 10 thousand motorcycles. | Andean

This is the second time in a year that the attack has been reported at the jewelery shop, located at stand 251 of the market, a witness said. Magdalena Plaza. “The owner has been working there for years and stays up late. There are many jewelry shops in the market, but only this business has already been robbed twice,” the announcer said.

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It occurs in a district whose mayor, Frances Allison, warned that if criminals use firearms to commit crimes, police officers in jurisdictions will use them to defend themselves. “Things are clear in Magdalena. We need a firm hand. They come out armed and we have them Armed police In all cars. If they come armed, we accept them armed. “We're not playing here,” he declared in an interview succeeded.

The mayor also supported the administration's decision to approve legislation that would impose up to 30 years in prison for those who steal cellphones and computer equipment if there is an aggravating circumstance involving the use of explosives or motor vehicles.

“Guardians Criminals They say the prisons are full, what do we care? Is the comfort of thugs more important than the lives of our loved ones? They also say: How much will it cost to feed them for life?; Is that a concern? “Do they eat or stop eating?” he asked.

Report by Alfredo Asur

The attack on the jeweler coincided with the spread of a report The fourth force A case of corruption in the police station came to light San Juan de LuricanchoPolice changed evidence to exonerate drug dealers.

To a member of the legislature Alfredo AzurinThe chairman of the Congressional Citizen Security Commission said the two cases were clear examples of “lack of effective control of the recruitment process for non-commissioned officers and officers in schools” or “inadequate control of police personnel”.

“Bad police officers should not be in the company for even one day in a month. I reiterate that the Minister of Interior and the Commandant General of the PNP must improve the control filters in the recruitment processes and act quickly to implement all the controls within the police's regulatory framework to expect people who only bleed into the institution. ,” he said in a statement, where he noted that his office would make “respective complaints.”

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