Politics and Economics – La Voz del Pueblo

Politics and Economics – La Voz del Pueblo

03|12|23 09:44 hrs.

Humans, from the beginning of life in societies, had to distribute roles and functions, and to do so, they sought agreement, negotiation, and consensus. Later, with the invention of agriculture and cattle, and the emergence of the first cities and states, it was clear and necessary that standards should be established. It is a slow process, but unstoppable.

The reason is obvious: social life requires rules that we all must follow to live together, as well as when choosing what?, how? And why? It is necessary to establish minimum parameters. The present system of nation-states is complex and diverse, lacks consensus and, fortunately, pluralism prevails. Therefore, political exercise is more necessary than in the past.

But politics involves power because it requires the imposition and implementation of legitimate means, ideas or plans in a given society. Everyone is looking for him to enforce their views or influence the majority.

Legitimacy conferred by votes in any Western democracy collides with a complex and necessary institutional architecture. The reason for this “conflict” is relevant: divided power avoids authoritarian majorities, abuses of power, and the enforcement of treaties, which in this way are considered durable.

In the recent Argentine case, the first electoral round was a key milestone that distributed forces in the program established by the constitution. Power is fragmented like never before in forty years of democracy. Never before has a president-elect taken office with so little power.

Javier Mili’s team seems to be aware that the reality it faces is complex not only in economic terms, but also politically. Both aspects require articulation, agreements and consensus. Pure politics, an activity that has been furiously reviled in recent times, confuses the corrupt with the honest and the social, in a dangerous and humane way, some ideas are good and others are bad. A practice that Argentine society has always implemented poorly throughout its history.

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The new government has one essential property: legitimacy of origin. That means votes. With that capital he confronts an environment that brings dialogue and positions closer together. To moderate your intentions and ideas, reach a consensus. Only time will tell to what extent this will bring down the flags that are being waved furiously in the electoral contest.

When the author of “Soya Roca” asked the historian Félix Luna what he regretted or what he was going to change in his political career, the movements of these days confirm what President Franzisci admitted. Frondizi replied that if he were a protester again, he would be more realistic in his criticism and less irresponsible in his statements. In other words, more intelligence.

On the other hand, history teaches that everything in government matters is political economy, compared to those who advocate the independence and neutrality of economics and its dominion over politics. That is, the way governments manage the economy must take into account the social environment and the relationships between political and economic forces inside and outside a nation. It is a holistic and complex view of society’s life, not reduced to a few macroeconomic indices, but a perspective that incorporates history, sociology, culture and other fields to help make better decisions. Remember that economics is a social science.

Realism, negotiation, and political economy appear to be new subjects of study that the president-elect’s team will include in their learning during the transition.


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