Quds Force | Mohammad Reza Zahidi | Who is the Iranian general killed by Israel in Syria? What is the Quds Force? Iran | Damascus | Hamas | Gaza | Benjamin Netanyahu | USA | the world

Quds Force |  Mohammad Reza Zahidi |  Who is the Iranian general killed by Israel in Syria?  What is the Quds Force?  Iran |  Damascus |  Hamas |  Gaza |  Benjamin Netanyahu |  USA |  the world

The reason for the attack Israel General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, commander of the Quds Force, the elite paramilitary unit of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), was killed in an attack on the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital Damascus on Monday. A top military leader and 12 others died.

On Tuesday, Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khameneiwarned that Israel Paying for the attack and blamed for the bombing America For being a key ally of the country led by Benjamin Netanyahu.

Meera: These are MK84 bombs and F-35 fighter jets that the US is sending to Israel, even as Biden criticizes the attack on Gaza.

The evil regime (Israel) will be punished For our brave men. “With God's help, we will make them repent of this crime and other similar crimes,” he said. Yamane It is a statement.

On April 1, 2024, emergency and security personnel put out a fire at the site of attacks that hit a building attached to the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital, Damascus. (Photo by LOUAI BESHARA / AFP).

A few hours ago, the president of Iran, Ibrahim RaisiHe assured that this “cowardly crime will not go unanswered”.

Chairman maintained that Israel After experiencing “repeated defeats and defeats against the faith and will of the opposition front” “he added indiscriminate killings to the agenda” but “he must have known that he would never achieve his nefarious aims by such inhumane means.”

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi speaks during a press conference on the sidelines of the 78th United Nations General Assembly on September 20, 2023. (Photo by Ed Jones / AFP).

The cause of the blast Israel Iran destroyed the consular section of the embassy Damascus. Seven members are among the 13 who died Guards of the RevolutionAmong them El General Mohamed Reza Zahedi y su número dos, Mohamed Hadi Haji-Rahimi.

AFP reported based on sources in Iran. Six missiles launched by F-35 fighter jets were used in the bombing.

This was the first attack on an Iranian embassy building SyriaA country that has been at civil war since 2011 and where Iran And his allies support the President's government Bashar al-Assad.

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The attack happens in the middle War between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and with Iran Support the Palestinians. Additionally, Iranian-friendly militias HezbollahLos The Houthis And others who have settled in Iraq and Syria have carried out varying degrees of activity against Israeli territory or its interests.

Persian Gulf monarchies have condemned the attack on the Iranian consulate, amid fears that the conflict in Gaza could escalate into a regional war. For its part, The Arab League accused Israel of seeking to “expand the war and plunge the region into chaos”.

At this point, it's worth knowing who the commander is Mohammad Reza Zahidi And what Quds Force.

Emergency and security forces search through the rubble at the site of the attacks that hit the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital, Damascus. (Photo by LOUAI BESHARA / AFP).

Who is General Mohammad Reza Zahidi?

Mohammad Reza Zahidi Born and attained on 2nd November 1960 Revolutionary Guard Corps In 1980, less than a year after the success of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

He commanded the 44th Qamar Bani Hashem Division between 1983 and 1986 and the 14th Imam Hussain Division until 1991. .

In 1998, Gen Qasim Sulaimani Assassinated by the US on January 3, 2020- Appointed to run him. Lebanon Guts Force Corps.

L General Qassem Soleimani. (AFP).

He headed the ground forces between 2005 and 2008 Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran and in charge of the Dar-Allah base in Tehran, which is responsible for security in the Iranian capital.

Zahidi rejoined in 2008 Quds Force. Until the day she dies He was the commander of this organization in Syria and Lebanon.

It played an important role in providing military assistance to both regimes Bashar al-Assad Like the Lebanese militia Hezbollah.

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Mohammad Reza Zahidi He was considered one of the key figures responsible for planning the attack Hezbollah In the spring of 2000, it ended with a definitive withdrawal Israel Defense Forces In Lebanon, 18 years of conflict ended.

Its function is to provide Hezbollah Weapons and advanced technical know-how could enable effective operations in the South Lebanon.

Mohammad Reza Zahidi who planned the cross-border incursion conducted by Hezbollah In 2000 this led to the capture of three Israeli soldiers. As part of his duties, he also planned an international operation to kidnap an Israeli colonel Elhanan TannenbamHe was released on January 29, 2004 after a plea deal Israel 431 Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners were released.

In Syria, Mohammad Reza Zahidi helped the regime Al Assad To quell the 2011 protests that led to the current civil war.

He also trained Iranian forces to quell protests against the Tehran regime.

Since 2010 Zahidi For “acting as a liaison” on the US Treasury Department’s terror list Hezbollah and Syrian intelligence services and “guaranteed arms exports” to the radical Islamist organization. Lebanon.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran. (AFP).

What is the Quds Force?

The Quds Force Is he An elite paramilitary force Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of IranIran is the largest military organization in the Islamic Republic and is considered a terrorist group by the United States.

He reports directly to Iran's Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah. Khamenei there.

The Quds Force It specializes in unconventional warfare and military intelligence. Acts out of bounds Iran.

It aims to fight Iran's enemies and expand the country's influence in the region, but does not engage in direct military operations.

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Support fighters like Hezbollah, HamasThe Palestinian Islamic JihadLos The Houthis Yemen and Shia armed groups Iraq Y Syria. America is also accusing Quds Force Arms should be given The Taliban From Afghanistan.

Its name means Jerusalem in Persian and Arabic, the city its fighters vowed to “liberate”.

Narrated by General Stanley McChrystal, who participated in the Iraq War Quds Force In an article in the Journal of Foreign Policy as “An organization resembling a combination of the CIA and the United States Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)”.

On April 15, 2019, The US State Department designated the IRGC, including the Quds Force, as a foreign terrorist organization. Pursuant to section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended.

BBC Mundo recalls it Quds Force He masterminded several deadly attacks, including the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing that killed 241 US Marines, 58 French soldiers and 6 Lebanese civilians.

According to estimates, the Quds Force Currently in between 5,000 and 10,000 members.

They only support and advise Allied fighters IranBut they do not directly participate in military operations.

According to former US military intelligence officer David Dionisi, who has authored several books on the subject, The group is organized into eight different addresses based on geographic location: random countries; Former Soviet Union; Iraq; Afghanistan, Pakistan and India; Israel, Lebanon and Jordan; Turkey itself; North of Africa; and the Arabian Peninsula.


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