Rolex Case | Tina Poluarte Claims Wilfredo Ascorima Gave Her Swiss Watches | Presidency | Ayacucho | Office of the National Prosecutor | | principle

Rolex Case |  Tina Poluarte Claims Wilfredo Ascorima Gave Her Swiss Watches |  Presidency |  Ayacucho |  Office of the National Prosecutor |  |  principle

The first time Boulward wore the controversial Rolex publicly was on June 5, 2023, at the 143rd anniversary of the National Day of Restitution and Respect.

Before that, she wore other high-end watch pieces, but they didn't resemble the diamond-encrusted Swiss watch, which currently costs approximately $20,000.

Since then, the President has worn a rose gold Rolex Datejust on various official occasions. However, since the scandal broke, this and two other watches of the same brand that were investigated by the Ministry of Public Affairs (MP) are now missing.

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On Friday afternoon, the president, who said he had made a “mistake” by loaning the watches, promised he had already returned them to the governor of Ayacucho. He said that since they were not his property, he was not obliged to register them in his property and income declaration before the Comptroller General.

“I have to admit that I was wrong to borrow these watches that my friend, Wilfredo Ascorima, my Vaiki, my brother, lent me with the intention of representing my country well. I am already back,” he said.

He said he accepted the watches from the governor of Ayacucho because they had “a personal friendship from Wilfredo to Tina and from Tina to Wilfredo,” who offered to help him during the struggles in the region.

When asked by journalists about the warranty certificate and authenticity of the Rolex brand found in his house during the raid, he said it was one of the Rolex watches given to him by his friend Askorima.

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“The card they found was not hidden in my house, it was in a pencil case in my studio, where all my cards from my professional work are stored; “When I returned the watches to my friend Wilfredo, they were forgotten in that pencil case,” he apologized.

He said the president wore other fine jewels and described wearing a 'Cartier' bracelet as “wrong”. His first version about one of the Rolex watches – which he promised was “an essay” – did not mention it; But to another bought in “Davos” two years ago.

He blamed his lawyer, Mateo Castañeda, for delaying his presentation because, at his suggestion, they gave their version to the lawyer first.

Poluarte Zegarra gave a briefing after nearly five hours of testimony before the Nation, Juan Carlos Villena, who opened an investigation against him for allegedly missing declarations on documents and illegal enrichment due to Swiss watches.

Poluarte is being investigated as a former Minister of State and Acting President of the Republic.

The head of state testified behind closed doors on the tenth floor of tax headquarters, where he was questioned about not only Swiss watches but other jewelry worth $500,000, a Cartier diamond bracelet, and hundreds of soles' receipts in his bank account. The increase in accounts and assets – in the last two years – is almost S/500 thousand.

On June 5, 2023, during the National Day of Response and Respect, Tina Polwarte wore a Rolex for the first time.

/ Luis Iparraguirre

His lawyer, Mateo Castaneda, arrived at the prosecutor's office at 8:15 a.m. to assist Polwart.

As he left his home in Surguillo, which was raided by the prosecutor's office and Diviac on March 19 – as he arrived at the state palace and was subsequently transferred to the MP – Polwarte was guarded by a large police force.

A few hours after Boluarte's arrival, groups of people came to speak for and against the president.

Since the Rolex scandal became known, one of the main figures involved in the case has been the governor of Ayacucho, Wilfredo Ascorima, who has admitted to being a collector of the Swiss brand's watches.

The officer, who is under investigation on corruption charges, has met Polwart nine times, visiting various ministries and meeting state ministers and officials.

President Tina Poluarte, Governor of Ayacucho, Wilfredo Ascorima, Minister of Housing, Construction and Health, Hania Perez, and Governor of Cusco, Werner Salcedo, during a presidential action in Ayacucho on January 20, 2024.

President Tina Poluarte, Governor of Ayacucho, Wilfredo Ascorima, Minister of Housing, Construction and Health, Hania Perez, and Governor of Cusco, Werner Salcedo, during a presidential action in Ayacucho on January 20, 2024.

Oscorima Núñez, who went to the prosecution as a witness before the President, remained silent when questioned about his alleged connection to the Rolex watch worn by Boluarte Zegarra.

Humberto Abando, The regional governor's lawyer has publicly confirmed that his client is silent on the possibility of his client being included under investigation.

He indicated, however, that on April 10 they will go to the prosecutor's office and display the Rolex date — similar to the one used by Bolavarte — bought in 2023 for a “very dear family member,” according to Ascorima.

Abando assured that his sponsor had confirmed that “he did not give Ms. Polwart any gifts.” However, he said “he wouldn't be surprised” if it was given to him, but he didn't ask Askorima.

“I'm not ruling out that this (his loan to Tina Polwart) could have happened,” he assured.

The lawyer confirmed that Oscorima Boluarte Zegarra “gave Ayacucho the altar, not as big as the one he gave to Pedro Castillo, and chapla (bread) and cheese.”

Wilfredo Ascorima: Research, Ownership and Rolex.

Wilfredo Ascorima: Research, Ownership and Rolex.

According to this newspaper, by the way , the government of Dina Boluarte authorized the transfer of S/100 million soles to the Ayacucho Region to guarantee the execution of the plan to improve and expand the provision of sports services at the Cuna de La Libertad Americana Stadium of Venezuelan Sports. Campus , Ayacucho District, Huamanga. The initial budget allocated for the aforementioned work is S/ 15 million.

Street closures and police protection

Since Thursday night, the surroundings of the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Affairs have been surrounded by bars in preparation for the transfer of President Tina Polwarte from the Government Palace to the Prosecutor's office located in the fifth block of Apanke Avenue.

Thus, the streets of Giron Cuzco and Santa Rosa and Abanque Avenue were also blocked, blocking vehicular traffic and prohibiting the passage of pedestrians.

The Public Ministry has summoned Tina Polwarte to answer the investigation into alleged illegal enrichment in the Rolex case.  (Photo: Hugo Pérez / @photo.gec)

The Public Ministry has summoned Tina Polwarte to answer the investigation into alleged illegal enrichment in the Rolex case. (Photo: Hugo Pérez / @photo.gec)

Along with this, dozens of policemen were stationed in all the streets around the tax headquarters. Troop carriers, patrol cars and police motorcycles were parked nearby.

The newspaper asked the police for the exact number of police officers deployed to protect the president's visit, but they said the information was “confidential”.

In the early hours of the morning, Av.  Security operations were halted in the vicinity of the General Ministry headquarters in Abancay.  (Photo: Hugo Pérez / @photo.gec)

In the early hours of the morning, Av. Security operations were halted in the vicinity of the General Ministry headquarters in Abancay. (Photo: Hugo Pérez / @photo.gec)

“We are informed by this letter that the Security and Defense Action Plans are of a reserved nature, information requiring special control and security treatment and information indicating their need are being considered; Therefore, we regret not being able to respond to your request,” they noted.

As far as this newspaper could see, there were about a hundred police officers from the Special Operations Unit, Tactical Operations Sub-Unit (Suat), Águilas Verdes, Explosives Decommissioning (Udex) and State Security units visible throughout the presidential transfer. and in financial headquarters.

The mobilization of law enforcement officials has been compared to a police deployment by former President Pedro Castillo at the time, when he went to the prosecutor's office to testify in the framework of an investigation into alleged corruption.

Chronology of an Axandel

Tina Polwart's Rolex


March 14

March 14

The “La Encerrona” project includes watches, including a Rolex, owned by President Tina Bolavarte.

March 14

Ayaycucho Governor Wilfredo Oscorima met with Dina Boluarte hours after entering the government palace and learning about the use of the clocks.


March 18

March 18

The National Prosecutor's Office opens an investigation against Dina Boluarte for alleged illegal enrichment and failure to notify a document.

March 26

The prosecutor's office expected Tina Boulward to visit the prosecutor's office to display the Rolexes. The President did not appear in person.

March 27

The prosecutor's office went to Tina Polwart's house and palace so that the president could show the watches, but they were ignored.


March 29

March 29

The National Prosecutor's Office and Diviac raided Tina Polwart's home, the President's Office and the Presidential Residence at the Government Palace in search of the Rolex.

March 30

Tina Polwarte gives a message to the nation that she did not clarify the origin of Rolex watches.

April 2

The National Prosecutor, Juan Carlos Villena, announced that he had expanded the investigation against Tina Polwart for other jewels, increased assets and bank deposits.


April 2

April 2

The Attorney General's Office denied Tina Polwart's request to present her statement scheduled for April 5 to testify about other watches, jewelry and other items included in her investigation.


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