Ruth Luke confirms she introduced Jaime Villanueva to Vladimir Ceron during a meeting at her home | Free Peru | Patricia Benavides | Pedro Castillo | Veronica Mendoza | Latest | principle

Ruth Luke confirms she introduced Jaime Villanueva to Vladimir Ceron during a meeting at her home |  Free Peru |  Patricia Benavides |  Pedro Castillo |  Veronica Mendoza |  Latest |  principle

Look at RuthCongressman of Democratic Change-Together Peru Bench, He confirmed that she was the one who introduced it Jaime VillanuevaA former advisor to the suspended National Prosecutor Patricia BenavidesBefore Vladimir Cheron It happened At a meeting held in his department in 2021General Secretary said Free Peru In X

Check it out here: Jaime Villanueva: Congressman Moves Motion to Create Commission of Inquiry After Testimony Before Trial

In a conversation with the “Eighth Commandment” show on Channel N, the MP explained that The “political dialogue” was organized at Villanueva's request because he “wanted to meet” the former regional governor of June.

however, Luk assured that the meeting lasted no more than 14 minutes and that nothing was discussed about judicial investigations.“Cherone talked about the campaign and they have already defined their ministries.”

Read here: Vladimir Ceron said that a meeting had taken place and that Los Tináticos del Centro and the possibility of filing a money laundering case.

Thus, Announces defamation suit against Vladimir Cheron He accused Pedro Castillo of “blackmailing” him with the help of his judicial processes in exchange for taking over the leadership of the Veronica Mendoza-led movement in the incoming government.

I am going to sue Cheron for defamation over what she said about this threat. Because he points out that I wanted to stipulate in favor of the trial in the name of prosecutors and that it was too serious.said Ruth Luke.

This may interest you: Jaime Villanueva: JNE president denies “confusions to favor or harm anyone”

The legislator insisted that he does not know or have any connection with lawyers Richard Rojas and Rafael Vela.Cerrone pointed at X.

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It is absolutely false that I intervened on behalf of the litigants whom I did not know and further I am Mr. I wanted to threaten Vladimir Cheron.. Today it is easy for a fugitive in 2024 to say I threatened them in 2021.” he added.

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