Scandals, Economics and Studies – Infobae

Scandals, Economics and Studies – Infobae
Martin Inceralte with Governor Axel Kisilof and Federico Otermin

A few more polls were conducted after PASO, but most showed a similar line-up of the main candidates: First Miley and a little further, Massa and Bulrich. Giving them credit and not taking into account the lack of reliability they have, the effect is surprising. If this is true, then a significant percentage of the population Its options have not been seen to be affected by a colossal combination of scandals, inflation and recession. For the sake of brevity, let’s leave out the rest and look at just a few examples.

A recent affair Inceralte The ruling party was forced to excommunicate one of its bishops for being a protagonist of “lack of ethics”. A lack of ethics means that something is wrong. It is important to clarify what behavior they consider to be wrong. A divorced man vacationing with a single woman should not be a problem. etc. is clearly found Extravagance and extravagance They Peronism kicked him out of space and they were all too smart to even hint at anything illegal. In football parlance, they gave him a yellow card, but not a straight red card. Had it not been in the middle of an election season, it would have been “go, go”. There are plenty of examples and users of leather goods and luxury watches who are committed to their functions and know that this is the case.

When one who has been a public official all his senior life wonders how he can afford expensive gifts and charter boats for sightseeing on a salary from the government and pledge to live in poverty, the real lack of ethics is apparent. The Mediterranean Sea. It would have been better if Massa had faced this issue and complained about it instead of softening it to mere sin. Bandido is the name of the boat…

But the issues of entertainment and corruption should not only affect the voting intention of the ruling party but also the state of the economy. Massa, the candidate and minister, presents himself Counter argument Therefore, it is impossible to prove: “You don’t know what it would be like if I wasn’t there.” We can know how the economy was when he took office as a minister and how it is now. Inflation has almost doubled from 7% monthly to 12% now. The blue dollar went from $290 to $880 (current and rising), an increase of close to 200%. Shares of Leliqs (BCRA Credit) have almost tripled. Finally the mind-blowing thing, under his management Poverty has increased from 36.5% to 40.1%. If initially the iron was hot, now it is red hot.

See also  The economy is just what the doctor ordered (no more rate hikes if unemployment drops).

Ending and going back to the beginning of the note, in any other country a government facing an election under these circumstances would be wiped off the map, it seems that is not the case here. Do people consider all candidates equally? Is there vote shaming, are people lying at the polls? Are these people being manipulated by employers? Or has a change in communication made surveys a poor tool? The reality will be known only on the night of 22nd, till then everything will be pure guesswork. I hope not everything will be the same.


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