Sergio Salomon appoints the heads of the Secretariats of Economy and Welfare

Sergio Salomon appoints the heads of the Secretariats of Economy and Welfare

Bulletin 515-2023

– Through appointments, the state government will coordinate work in favor of the people of Puebla

City of Puebla, Bu.- To coordinate measures in favor of the people of Puebla and strengthen government operations, Governor Sergio Salomón appointed Ermilo Barreira Novello as Secretary of the Economy and Elsa María Ruiz Petanzos as Secretary of Welfare.

Ermilo Barrera Novelo holds a degree in International Relations from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) and a Diploma in Energy Economics from the same institution. In public service he was in charge of the General Directorate of the Energy Company of the State of Puebla.

Meanwhile, Elsa María Ruiz Betanzos holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Science from the University of Puebla (UDLAB) and a Master’s degree in Management from the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla (UPAEP). He has collaborated in various educational institutions and as a public servant, he was in-charge of the Directorate of Micro-Regional Development and Under-Secretary of Productive Options for Welfare in the Welfare Secretariat.

With these appointments, the current government of Sergio Salomon reaffirms its commitment to continue measures to attract more investments and create jobs, as well as to ensure that all social programs reach the 217 municipalities.

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