‘Gudo’ Guadalupe ends his 20-year friendship with ‘Loco’ Vargas and warns him to “reconsider for the sake of your family”.

‘Gudo’ Guadalupe ends his 20-year friendship with ‘Loco’ Vargas and warns him to “reconsider for the sake of your family”.
‘Gudo’ Guadalupe rebuffs Juan Manuel Vargas and demands he apologize for accusing him of eating cat meat. | Capture Latin TV / Instagram Jumavari

Luis ‘Gudo’ Guadalupe Former footballer nicknamed ‘Loco’ has been hurt by controversial statements by Juan Manuel Vargas. The ‘believer’ has publicly announced that he has ended his 20-year friendship with the former idol Sports University For the out-of-control humor in the show’Today is Saturday with Andres, Aired last September 30 on Panamericana TV.

“You killed cats. When he took me to Sincha The cat called me (…) He still gave me an anise, a stronger anise… ‘To make it go down,’ he told me,” ‘Loco’ Vargas’ words elicited laughter from those present. Hearing that, ‘Cuto’ left the set. Wanted to leave, but out of respect for the audience and host Andres Hurtado, he didn’t.

However – at that time – he denied feeding him any food cat meat, This step is not enough. For this reason, this October 2, in a detailed column in the newspaper DromGuadalupe confirmed that his friendship with the former member of the Peruvian national team “will not go away”.

‘Gudo’ Guadalupe regrets Juan Manuel Vargas’ public statements.| Panamericana TV

“My friendship with Juan Vargas has reached this point. I repeat, I consider this point to have ended. Saturday’s event was the cherry on top of a pattern of repeated behavior that I do not wish to explore,” he wrote in the aforementioned medium.

He also demanded that Juan Manuel Vargas reconsider “for the sake of his family” and “accept his responsibility. Excuse me Public for the lies he told on Saturday that hurt animals.

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Juan Manuel Vargas, 39, has not commented on his latest comments about ‘Guto’ and has since apologised. However, he confirmed it in the same Andrés Hurtado project “cat ate” With his – now – ex-boyfriend.

‘Gudo’ Guadalupe upsets ‘Loco’ Vargas

“I want to categorically deny that I never invited him to eat the cat as Vargas pointed out, and in fact we never went to Chinza in the more than 20 years that I knew him. Only an insane person could tell such a crude lie, imagine or want to act funny in such emotional times,” Guadalupe said. Mentioned in his article.

Guto believes that being accused of eating cats will damage his image and reputation with the public. In addition, he railed against his ex-boyfriend Tilsa Lozano, despite being almost 40 years old, they consider him immature. “Some people seem to be stuck in the ‘fuck’ time and don’t react to the situation,” he commented.

In another part of her detailed statement, Luis Guadalupe revealed that she met Juan Manuel Vargas in 2003. University And ‘Logo’ started his football career. As he put it, his friendship with the former left-back grew stronger over the years and they even became ‘buddies’.

Juan Manuel Vargas met Luis Guadalupe at the Universitario.

“The thing that helped our good relationship the most is that I know his wife as a good friend. Blanca Rodríguez“A lovely person,” said the King of Dry Soup.

Until 10 years ago, the ‘Kado Festival’ oh ‘Festival of Kuruno’ In some towns south of Lima, etc Gannett Y Sincha, which brought together dozens of restaurants that served dishes made from this cat. Likewise, in some towns in Ica, such as El Carmen, cat meat stews are made, the main one being dried cat.

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In 2014, the Civil Court of Canet ruled to ban the consumption and use of cats in the various contests of the ‘Cruno’ festival held every year in the south of Lima. This ended legal proceedings that began in October 2013 between the Brotherhood of San Luis de Conade, Santa Efigenia, and the Animal Rights Commission of the Lima Bar Association (CAL).


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