Space travel: Humanity’s future is not on Earth

Space travel: Humanity’s future is not on Earth

Currently, trips to space are not only for scientific, technological, military, touristic purposes, but also thinking about the distant future of mankind. Tierra. All about the topic in the latest episode of the podcast Science to date RPP.

By: Herless Alvarez Bazan

since arriving Neil ArmstrongMore than 50 years have passed since the first man on the moon, on July 20, 1969, and since then mankind’s interest in space has led to countless and varied expeditions using probes to explore other planets. Marte, Thursday, Sat, Uranus Y Neptune. Initially, the scope of space travel and exploration focused on science and technology, with an emphasis on security and military defense issues.

However, the space race has changed a lot to date, thanks to the great development of telecommunications based on artificial satellites, which have had a major impact on radio, television, telephone and current internet signals. Not to mention the all advanced and app called GPS or Global Positioning System.

Travel to space is a means of scientific research and expands its boundaries beyond the planet, which allows us to monitor not only the universe, but also the Earth, for example, what is happening in the atmosphere, ozone layer, ocean. and the polar cap, ecologically important features.

“Space travel and the future of humanity beyond Earth” is the fifth episode of the RPP Ciencia al Día podcast, with guest Víctor Román, science communicator and director of technology and space issues. Peruvian Association of Science Journalists and Communicators (APCiencia).

The podcast answers questions like How did we get to the moon?, How has space travel had a major impact on current technological development?, and most importantly, Will humanity ever colonize other planets?

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