Science and Technology A Bridge Between Continents at ESI 2023 held at UPAEP

Science and Technology A Bridge Between Continents at ESI 2023 held at UPAEP

Founded by Millsett, Expo Ciencias International has worked tirelessly for 36 years to promote science and technology among children and youth worldwide. The event not only serves as a platform to showcase research, innovation and dissemination work in various fields of science and technology, but also promotes valuable cultural exchange.

Master Roberto Hidalgo Rivas, President of the International Movement for Science and Technology Entertainment (MISET), highlighted the importance of science and technology as drivers of scientific development in a country.

ExpoCiencias International ESI 2023 brings together young people from different latitudes such as Taiwan, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Chile, Canada and Portugal. Environmentalism highlighted, among others, Roberto Hidalgo.

Within the framework of the International Expo Ciencias 2023 held at UPAEP, an event that will contribute to the progress of society in all fields, where young people, teachers and leaders from more than 35 countries around the world will share their research projects and knowledge. of knowledge, shared Hidalgo Rivas.

Expo Ciencias International, created by Millset, has worked tirelessly for 36 years to promote science and technology among children and youth worldwide, he said. The event not only serves as a platform to showcase research, innovation and dissemination work in various fields of science and technology, but also promotes valuable cultural exchange.

Roberto Hidalgo highlighted that science and technology act as catalysts for the development of countries. He noted that countries that have invested significantly in science and technology, devoting a large percentage of their GDP to this investment, have experienced extraordinary results in growth and economic development.

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“It is widely known that countries that have dedicated substantial resources to investing in science and technology have achieved spectacular results in terms of the development and economy of those countries,” said Hidalgo Rivas.

The President of MILSET highlighted that these youth are future leaders who will hold important decision-making positions in their respective countries. They can become businessmen, university presidents, governors and even presidents of countries, a “chip” of the importance of science, technology and development, as well as promoting peace worldwide.

In a world dependent on scientific and technological advances, ExpoCiencias Internacional 2023, held at UPAEP in Puebla, Mexico, is a fundamental venue to inspire young talent, promote international collaboration and lay the foundations for future scientific and technological progress. .

For his part, Antoine van Ruymbeke, President of MILSET Europe, a key figure in promoting science and technology on the European continent, highlighted the importance of cooperation and exchange between Latin America and Europe in that science and technology global context. plays a fundamental role.

Ruymbeke emphasized that in difficult times such as the one facing the world today, it is important to recognize that people from different parts of the world share a common goal: to move forward, to learn and to cooperate. International cooperation, such as that promoted at Expo Ciencias International, is essential for opening doors, understanding and respecting people from different cultures and countries.

The President of MILSET Europe emphasized that participation in such an event is more than just science; It is a life experience that changes people. ExpoCiencias Internacional not only provides a venue for the presentation of scientific works, but also a place where culture, sociability and exchange of ideas are intertwined. Participants discover an important part of life through this experience.

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Ruymbeke highlighted that the young people who participated in the exhibition have traveled a path of development that started with an idea about a year ago. During that time, they develop presentation skills, information retrieval skills and more. By coming to this event, they have discovered new perspectives and broadened their horizons. The works presented by these youngsters are not only valuable in themselves but also an important step towards their future which opens doors to many opportunities.

ExpoCiencias International 2023 is not only a place for the dissemination of science and technology, but also a bridge that unites continents and cultures, promoting growth and collaboration in the field of science worldwide. The event inspires young and old alike to explore the wonders of science and technology and create a brighter, more unified future.

Alan Gómez García, Communication Coordinator of Expo Ciencias International 2023, highlighted the importance of this meeting in the middle of a week where UPAEP is the headquarters for international scientific projects and exchanges.

ExpoCiencias is a movement in Mexico that has reached national coverage and brings together around 500 projects by young scientists from all over the country every year. This event, as Gomes pointed out, has a powerful effect on motivating students, parents and teachers as they see how young talents from different regions and countries present their research and discoveries.

ExpoCiencias is not only a showcase for scientific projects, but also a catalyst for future scientists and entrepreneurs in Mexico.

He emphasized the importance of promoting such events in Mexico and the region because, throughout the days of the event, it was observed that the visits of students of different educational levels had a profound impact on the youth. It inspires students to engage in science projects, gives teachers cues to begin working on educational projects, and strengthens parents’ confidence in their children’s abilities.

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ExpoCiencias Internacional aims not only to create rewarding experiences for visitors and delegates, but also to bring the public closer to the world of science, technology and science dissemination.

Finally, ExpoCiencias Internacional 2023 is integrated into an event that includes society in the dissemination of science, facilitating access to science and technology for all. This meeting is a beacon of inspiration and knowledge that illuminates the path to a brighter and scientifically empowered future for Mexico and the world.


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