Spaces for scientific dissemination in Córdoba

Spaces for scientific dissemination in Córdoba

Since 1994, all of Daniel Barrago's activities have had a cross axis: science dissemination. He was Dean of the Faculty of Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics and Computing of the National University of Córdoba for two periods, member of the Board of Directors of the National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE). He has been part of public and private, government and non-government organizations.

He is currently UNC's Secretary of Science and Technology, Director of the Sustainable Energy Laboratory of the National University of Córdoba, Principal Investigator of CONICET and Director of the Plaza Cielo Tierra Science Interpretation Center.

“Science dissemination is trying to disseminate scientific knowledge in a way that is understandable to people who are not in the field of science. There is also talk of democratizing science, so that the general public can become aware of this type of knowledge. When one uses a particular tool or device, for example, a cell phone, a computer, why is it a “It's important to know that things work in a certain way. When you understand how things work, you wonder, you wonder, you try to learn more, and thus you become more engaged in knowledge,” says Daniel Barraco.

“When I started spreading science in the 90s, I did it through paper, radio and television. Today there are infinite forms of disseminating science: the Internet and social networks (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, X) expand us globally and instantly,” says Barrago. “Today the media also collaborates in disseminating science, which is why when I was dean of FAMAF (UNC), I thought the time had come to specialize in science journalism, with the great collaboration and motivation of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and Dr. Guillermo Goldus,” says Barrago.

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“I attach great importance to all the institutional developments of man. Our civilization or culture in general is based on institutional systems that allow human beings to communicate proactively, always making progress, otherwise we would always be interfering with each other. The end result makes it interesting, the final total interaction of all of us is a positive one.

According to Daniel Barraco, two negative things can happen to a lobbyist: First, using very specific language that does not allow the topic to be understood. Second, deconstruct the concepts. Science simply explained.

On the other hand, the development of critical thinking is very important. The disseminator should develop critical thinking in others. People need to learn the habit of critically searching sources of information, developing search criteria for them, and evaluating whether the contents and ideas of the information are at least coherent.

It is necessary to disseminate science to guarantee the democratization of science and its collective construction, which allows access to scientific and technical topics by society, adding value to the training of people and society as a whole. All of the above takes into account that scientific knowledge does not understand social classes.

Science dissemination from Plaza Cielo Tierra

The Plaza Cielo Tierra project was designed by Daniel Barrago who was Dr. Famoff co-managed with Guillermo Goldus during his tenure as dean, and since its inauguration in 2017, Daniel Barraco has headed the Plaza Cielo Tierra Science Outreach Center, a joint venture of the university. The Nationality of Córdoba and the Provincial Government of Córdoba.

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In addition to guided tours, workshops for children, youth and adults and traditional telescope plantings, this year Plaza Cielo Tierra offers its visitors interactive activities between science and art, as well as teachers, teachers and science and mathematics. School Directors. Dissemination of basic concepts of financial mathematics for consumers is planned, which will be one of the cross axes of the plaza.

UNC Secretary of Science and Technology

Daniel Barrago is UNC's Secretary of Science and Technology (Secyt) and runs an institutional channel through the popular social networking and messaging service WhatsApp. In this way, a new communication is provided to the secretariat audience. Anyone with an application can access these communication channels, which are used only to receive information, providing an alternative to traditional channels such as email, website and other social networks such as Facebook, Instagram.


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