Brunella Torpoco, in love, speaks for the first time about Luis Antonio Torres, her partner and father of her son | Video | Showbiz | programs

Brunella Torpoco, in love, speaks for the first time about Luis Antonio Torres, her partner and father of her son |  Video |  Showbiz |  programs

Singer Brunella Torbogo revealed intimate aspects of her love life on Saturday, March 23. 'It is in everything.'

During the interview, Torbogo talked about his future plans, especially now that his family will grow with the arrival of his first child.

Brunella Torbogo reveals how she met her partner Luis Antonio Torres

Likewise, the salsa singer shared information about her romantic relationship Luis Antonio TorresA colleague in the music industry and the father of her unborn child.

“We met in a band. I've never met him. He's a musician, but we met in a band. We started going out as friends.”, Chas said the boat.

Five and a half years have passed since those first dates, and the artist reflected on how their romantic relationship developed and strengthened.

“It's been a good relationship because other than a relationship it's like a partner, a colleague, really everything. It's been a support for me.”, Chas pointed to the boat.

Brunella highlighted the great help and support she received from Torres in her career, especially during difficult times, such as when she stopped singing after threats of extortion.

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