Special Economic Zones Could Boost Peruvian Economy and Job Creation by 2024 | Special Economic Zones | EEZ | Eduardo Saljuana | | Peru

Special Economic Zones Could Boost Peruvian Economy and Job Creation by 2024 |  Special Economic Zones |  EEZ |  Eduardo Saljuana |  |  Peru

Congressional Transportation Commission, responsible Eduardo SaljuanaAn International Symposium on “Special Economic Zones in Peru: Reality and Perspectives and the Asian Challenge” was held at Sanque Port with the aim of attracting and promoting national and foreign investment, improving infrastructure, increasing employment and increasing and diversifying exports. Goods and services.

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SEZs are areas of national territory where qualified users can develop industrial, commercial, service and logistics activities under a special regime in legal, tax, customs and foreign trade matters. The President of the Parliament, Alejandro Soto Reyes, highlighted the importance of promoting special economic zones in Peru, to restore the economy and reinsert it into the international environment.

“More than five thousand special economic zones operating in 147 economies around the world play an important role in exports to foreign trade, but also promote employment growth at home,” said Soto Reyes.

For his part, the head of the Transport and Communications Commission, Eduardo Zalhuana Cavitz, noted that only four of the eight free zones that exist in Peru have jobs: Baida (Piura), Matarani (Arequiba), Ilo (Puno) and Zofratagna (Tagna). “This is because the perception in Peru was that the public sector should lead, something that should be exported and that project unfortunately failed. We need to promote regulations that allow foreign investors to come into the country,” the congressman said.

Share of Sanke Megaport

Foreign Trade Minister Carlos Mathews commented that the purpose of the Special Economic Zones is to improve the effect of the Kalaw-Sanke port hub, with conditional benefits through investment and job creation goals. In addition, the new model of Special Economic Zones should have a treatment consistent with Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) standards.

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By 2023 alone, the country will export $74 million and create more than 2,800 direct jobs. This figure, 22% higher than that recorded in 2022, is the result of the boost of investment and effort of 153 companies established in the SEZs of Piura, Tacna, Moquegua and Arequipa, reflecting the importance of the work expressed between Public and private sectors to promote national trade.

For his part, the Deputy General Manager of Cosco Shipping Ports Chancay, Carlos Tejada, noted that within the framework of APEC 2024, the Chancay megaport will start operations next November. and fishing. The plan includes technological, industrial and logistics hubs and is intended to add value to goods exported through the port terminal, but will also have a major impact on human capital.

Finally, the participants highlighted the importance of taking advantage of the Free Trade Agreements (FTA) that Peru has with various countries, making Sangue the port and logistics hub of the South American coast with a view to Asia.

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