Spiders in space? Hubble telescope captures the 'Spider' galaxy

Spiders in space?  Hubble telescope captures the 'Spider' galaxy

Mysterious but fascinating space is filled with celestial bodies of all sizes and colors captured by NASA's excellent telescopes. Hubble.

This famous space telescope amazed scientists and curious minds after capturing spiders in space. 'Spider' constellationwhose official name UGC 5829.

This celestial body is located approx 30 million light years away And though it has a name of three letters and four numbers, it is called 'Spider Galaxy'Because it seems to have long arms like a spider's legs, except these 'arms' cosmic matter.

“Spider Galaxy. The galaxy in this image, also known as UGC 5829, is about 30 million light-years away. It probably got its nickname from its distorted galactic arms with glowing tips that form stars! “ The Hubble Telescope account was published on X (formerly Twitter).

The Hubble Telescope and the Mysteries of the Galaxy UGC 5829

“The data for this image come from two Hubble observing programs. The first used An advanced camera for surveys Hubble to observe relatively nearby galaxies in an attempt to construct them Color charts Against the brightness of the stars in these galaxies.”

“Each observation took one Hubble orbit (approximately 95 minutes), but provided a valuable archival record of the observations.” Types of stars “In different galaxies, and therefore, in different contexts,” NASA has emphasized the Hubble photo on its website.

The second project used to capture the beauty of the 'Spider Galaxy' was the Wide Field Camera 3. Hubble telescope 'Observing Star Clusters in Dwarf Galaxies'.

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Hubble telescope presents 'galactic flowers'

Hubble decided to join Flower Day on March 21 and gave some 'galactic flowers' to its followers on social networks.

These flowers are very valuable and can be found millions of light years away from Earth.

Hubble's first flower Galaxy Orb 273Located in the Andromeda constellation.

While the second 'flower' is the Spiral galaxy M63or 'Sunflower Constellation', located in the constellation Canes Venatisi.

“The first image shows a galaxy 'Rose,' also known as Orb 273, a pair of galaxies.”

“Hubble's view of the second Solar System, located about 27 million light-years away.”

With information from NASA


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