From AI to CGI technology: Six trends in advertising for 2024 | Digital Advertising | Fake Out of Home | trends

From AI to CGI technology: Six trends in advertising for 2024 |  Digital Advertising |  Fake Out of Home |  trends

According to IAB PeruIn 2023 Digital advertising grew by 4% over the previous year Y 272 million USD moved. For its part, Traditional advertising reached US$506 millionAccording to Association of Media Agencies (AAM).

Sectors that have invested heavily in digital advertising are mass consumption, telecom, banking and finance, education and retail.

For Sergio Cuervo, a marketing expert at Eason University, Advertising growth is driven by its digital sideAs these sectors invested Social media, Branding Y Programmatic advertising.

According to IAB Peru, digital advertising will grow 4% in 2023 over last year. That is, the market moved 272 million USD. For its part, traditional advertising reached US$506 million, as indicated by the Association of Media Agencies (AAM).

He clarified in this regard Offline and online advertising share the same investment allocation (50/50) that brands do in their communication strategies.

However, advances in technology will help us take that leap in advertising quality to create new creative and innovative campaigns for this year; We are already witnessing it in some brands.

Strategies that Online advertising This year they will focus on experience rather than content. In addition, experts say that investment in this channel will increase by 30%.

Management identified Six Advertising Trends for 2024 to the online world.

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1. Voice Advertising and Artificial Intelligence

tools Artificial Intelligence (AI) They are used by media and advertising agencies because most of them have free and fenced access. Its use is intended Create images, videos and voice Used for advertising.

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“The “Activating metaphors and using voices are some of the most relevant trends in the industry today”, Martin Villanueva, teacher of advertising and digital marketing at Toulouse Lautrec, explained to Gestion.

For example, there are brands like BCP People who want to build an entire product with AI. In the “La Convocatoria” campaign, a company was hired The company, with the help of AI, created 50 faces and videos of Peruvian fans looking for their “doubles” among 30 million Peruvians.


BCP. In the “La Convocatoria” campaign, a company hired by the company, with the help of AI, created 50 faces and videos of Peruvian fans looking for their “doubles” among 30 million Peruvians.

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2. Fake Out of Home (CGI)

“Fake out home” is an advertising strategy that involves designing outdoor advertising campaigns Fictional characters created by computer or used CGI (Computer Generated Image). Its purpose is to create super-realistic images and make impact Social websites.

For Cuervo, simulated outdoor advertising is relevant The focus is economics. Today, all brands advertise on digital channel and try to attract user's attention, that's why they compete on response speed and quality of advertisement. CGI technology has that purpose: to capture users' attention.

“Technology like CGI or Augmented Reality provides an enhanced experience for the user receiving the message. This allows for more possibilities of surprise or interaction.Mauricio Villanueva, a professor in the School of Higher Education's Advertising and Digital Marketing program, highlighted the management. Toulouse Lautrec.

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Yape used CGI in the “Yape is more than you imagine” campaign and became the first brand to join “Fake Out Home”.

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3. Influencer advertising

Currently, there are 18.9 million people in Latin America Influencers. In Peru, many of them not only create their own content, but also advertise or advertise for brands. From being mentioned at the beginning of the video to the experience of trying the product or service.

“The brand capitalizes on the number of followers it has Maria Pia Cobello (Peruvian influencer) so she can reach her audience”, Sergio Cuervo, Professor of Marketing at Esan University explained to Gestion.

Likewise, he added LBrands are looking for influencers who have a group closest to their profile.

Her work as an influencer has led her to be a part of important events.  Collaborate with brands that matter to their social networks.  Currently, she has a total of 4.3 million followers on Instagram and over 5 million followers on TikTok.  Few people know that Maria Pia Copello is a promoter in the industry and that may be a major reason for her success.

Her work as an influencer has led her to be a part of important events. Collaborate with brands that matter to their social networks. Currently, she has a total of 4.3 million followers on Instagram and over 5 million followers on TikTok. Few people know that Maria Pia Copello is a promoter in the industry and that may be a major reason for her success.

read more: Influencers Win: Annual campaign can exceed US$100,000

4. Sustainable and responsible advertising

Brands message: I am sustainable and responsible! More and more companies are focusing their communications on the principles of “Let's be consistent and consistent.” Brands like to prepare campaigns months in advance 8M Empower and empower women Equality of men and women.

Along these lines, Villanueva demonstrated a strong interest of users Constant campaigns Promote pro-environmental messages, Plastic reduction and environmental awarenessClimate change.

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.  Aguilar commented that brands prepare campaigns 8 million months in advance to empower women and promote gender equality.

. Aguilar commented that brands prepare campaigns 8 million months in advance to empower women and promote gender equality.

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5. In-depth and experiential advertising

Seen as immersion advertising One of the trends in marketing and advertising for 2024.

For example, he Apple Vision Pro Allows the user to interact with Real and virtual world No equipment is required other than the movement of your hands.

Being immersive means you not only communicate, but also engage the consumer on a deeper level.

Renato Aguilar, CEO of Reiva, says there are few brands that have targeted advertising strategies that focus on creating an immersive experience.  For example, Apple Vision Pro allows the user to interact with the real and virtual world without the need for any equipment other than the movement of their hands.

Renato Aguilar, CEO of Reiva, says there are few brands that have targeted advertising strategies that focus on creating an immersive experience. For example, Apple Vision Pro allows the user to interact with the real and virtual world without the need for any equipment other than the movement of their hands.

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6. Mobile advertising

As stated therein Here, 92% of Peruvian families have at least one person with A mobile phoneSo there is a highly connected audience and brands should take advantage of that opportunity to create ads, Cuervo pointed out.

Expert maintains itTwo-thirds of people use mobile advertising. From the form Responsive for Smartphones Even mobile apps. “The share of mobile advertising is high in Europe, the US and Canada.”He pointed out.

Also, on this device, digital advertising is created, implicitly, thanks to “Cookies“, Bliss Computing cookie Allows you to collect user information This will be used by the brand to do its segmentation, i.e., it will know who to direct its ads to. But now Google—Curvo warns—is going to retire cookies this year and collect information in other ways.

Cuervo pointed out that according to INEI, 92% of Peruvian households have at least one mobile phone, so there is a very connected audience and brands should take advantage of that opportunity to create ads.

Cuervo pointed out that according to INEI, 92% of Peruvian households have at least one mobile phone, so there is a very connected audience and brands should take advantage of that opportunity to create ads.

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About the author

Edgar Velito Limailla

Digital journalist focusing on future life, technology, startups and internationalization of companies. Former economics editor at Diario El Gobierno. Since 2023 it has been part of the administration.

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