Technology and Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Society Up! Steam

Technology and Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Society Up!  Steam

The Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) hosted the finale of the fifth edition Up! SteamA very important student competition that has had a huge impact on the entire national territory.

The event, which has already attracted more than 10 thousand students from across the Valencian community, seeks to inspire boys and girls in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.

In this edition, 344 programs are offered from 171 educational centers in Castellón, Valencia and Alicante. Students will develop technological tools and AI solutions with the aim of benefiting all of society.


The winning proposals are as follows:

Premio Dreamers Juniors

Bronze Award: U2 Image. CEIP Francisco Granjel Mascaros (Alcora)

Silver Award: VoluntHelp. Pytos School (Tenia)

Gold Award: Emotional bracelet. The Parque-Colegio Santa Ana (València) Emotion Bracelet is a device that helps users identify and visualize their emotions through color changes. This bracelet is specially designed for children with ASD as it facilitates non-verbal communication of emotional states and promotes awareness of them.

Dreamers Cadets Award

Bronze Award: Wrist Aid. CP San Pablo-CEU (Moncada)

Silver Award: Included Guide IES Chivera Font (Channels)

Gold Award: Grandpa tell me. Sacred Heart School (Mislata). Grandfather, say an app that helps seniors in their daily lives. This includes medication tracking, a calendar of events, care for volunteers and a guide to returning home if they become distracted. It uses artificial intelligence to improve your quality of life.

Premio Dreamers Seniors

Bronze Award: Smartmeal. Assumption of the Mother (Riba-Rose of Turia)

Silver Award: EcoDrones. IES Sculptor in Francesc Badia (Foios)

Gold Award: Modern AI. IES Pere Boyle (Manises). ia.IA is an app for families caring for dependent elderly. It organizes schedules, manages medical appointments and medications, and provides a location system for people with Alzheimer’s. It is intuitive and easy to use for both caregivers and grandparents.

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Premios Coders Juniors

Bronze Award: Animals for kids. 1st Marquis of Duryea (Valencia)

Silver Award: A second chance. CEIP Mayor Fabrecot (Benazale)

Gold Award: By taking care of your health, you are taking care of the planet. CEIP Antonio Machado (Torrent). Using artificial intelligence in a comprehensive and dynamic program, the group provides information on health and the environment, highlighting how taking care of your health contributes to taking care of the planet. It contains more than thirty activities and video games created from scratch.

Coders Cadets Award

Bronze Award: Brain memory. La Purissima School (Torrent)

Silver Award: Trashvision. American School of Valencia (Puzol)

Gold Award: Ecoxtil. Abbeys (Candia). Ecoxtil initiates a textile trade revolution. The app displays clothing container maps, a clothing sustainability scanner, and environmental tips, or “ecotips.”

Premio Coders Seniors

Bronze Award: Let’s know. San Jose de Calais (Valencia)

Silver Award: Food flow. Colegio Jesús-María Fdo. Catholic (Valencia)

Gold Award: StudyBuddy. English School Los Olivos (Cotella). With StudyBuddy, users can make the most of their work and effort while studying. StudyBuddy uses artificial intelligence. This app creates questions about the content you are working on and helps you remember it.


Premio Makers Juniors

Bronze Award: Smart House Avel•lí Corma. Scientist Avel•lí Corma (Moncofa)

Silver Award: EcoGuard: fire prevention. Holy Family (Alzira)

Gold Award: Inclusive Parks: Unlimited Fun! CEIP Joaquin Maria Lopez (Villana). The group presents us with various proposals for inclusive and adapted parks, including sensory routes, adapted zip lines and sleds with brakes for wheelchairs.

Makers Cadet Award

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Bronze Award: Wheelchair with voice recognition. Santa Ana School (Algemesí)

Silver Award: Fractal. IES Joan Coromines (Penecarlo)

Gold Award: environment. Engepa School (Valencia). River water should be pure water without waste. The team brings us a prototype of an autonomous robot capable of cleaning river beds and removing various polluting elements present in them.

Premio Makers Seniors

Bronze Award: IDRIS project. IES Bari del Carme (Valencia)

Silver Award: Stopfire. Immaculate Heart of Mary (Valencia)

Gold Award: Smart Mirror 2.0. IES Carcer (Carcer). With the Smart Mirror 2.0 project, the group presents an innovative solution to monitor water consumption. The mirror contains various data modules that allow access to the calendar, agenda and, in particular, detailed information on water consumption in real time.

Institutional support

The President attended the event Common, Carlos Mazon. In his speech, Carlos Mazón highlighted the importance of the projects presented by these young people, stressing that they are what Valencian society needs to move forward.

“We need these projects you’ve made, are talented, and want to continue. We’re waiting for you.”Mason said. With these words, the President appreciated the efforts and dedication of the youth and encouraged them to continue to develop their skills and contribute to the development of the society.

In a message full of faith and hope, Mazan offered emotional thanks: “On behalf of more than 5 million Valencians, I congratulate and thank you. “You are the future of Valencian society”, declared.

In this sense, the President UPV Community Council, Monica Bragato He wanted to highlight the importance of technology and artificial intelligence in the service of society and appreciated the work and dedication of 3,131 boys and girls and their teachers who presented their innovative technology projects with great professionalism. “The projects you have produced throughout the year are at the level of the leading R&D&I department of any successful multinational company”Bragato exemplifies the quality and creativity of the projects.

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Bragado also highlighted the important role of ethics in technological development. “AI is nothing more than a bunch of algorithms and code, but we, humans, are the ones writing that code. We must ensure that whatever we create is used for good and not for evil,” he asserted.

The event not only celebrated the achievements of the young participants, but also highlighted the importance of education and family support in their development.

The program ended with special recognition and thanks to the teachers and advisors who served as guides and mentors. Chancellor of the UniversityJOz Capella To believe and bet on actions like Up! Steam. “Let’s continue to work together to make the world a better, more advanced and fairer place for everyone… Why not, more fun because technology and science,” Bragato concluded.

UPV’s Community Council reaffirms its commitment to promoting STEAM education and supports initiatives that encourage creativity, innovation and comprehensive development of youth through STEAM Add and encourages companies and institutions to join such projects.


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