Temperatures in Lima families enjoying mid-winter sun and beach | Abraham Levi | August warm heat through El Nino coastal Chenamhi | Costa Verde beaches dip cebiche chaufa ice cream beer | IMP | Provide

Temperatures in Lima families enjoying mid-winter sun and beach |  Abraham Levi |  August warm heat through El Nino coastal Chenamhi |  Costa Verde beaches dip cebiche chaufa ice cream beer |  IMP |  Provide

August is typically the coldest month of the year in metropolitan Lima, with humid dawns and drizzle, but Ocean temperatures continue to be high due to coastal El Niño and allows Full WinterEnjoy more sun Playa.

Hottest August since 1997: What was the temperature yesterday at 1pm?

Lima – Callo (airport) It records its warmest August day since 1997. and La Molina”, Reported yesterday Abraham LeviWeatherman’.

He explained, At 1 p.m., Cala recorded 23.8°C and La Molina recorded 25.5°C. . In 1997 the records were 25.4 °C (Callao) and 27.8 °C (La Molina).

Although Thursday and Friday felt chilly, the sun shone early yesterday, prompting many families to hit the Costa Verde beaches. With swimsuits or polo shirts and shorts, they enjoyed the sand and sea.

The children had fun building small pools and sand castles like it was summer. Others wanted to escape to the southern shores.

In the midst of winter, they took advantage of the warmth felt yesterday and enjoyed a day at the beach. (Isabel Medina / Photo: Anthony Nino de Guzman / Drome).
In the midst of winter, they took advantage of the warmth felt yesterday and enjoyed a day at the beach. (Isabel Medina / Photo: Anthony Nino de Guzman / Drome).

Cebiche, rice with seafood, chaufa… and beer

Seafood etc. are highly sought after Ceviche and Seafood Ricewithout actually being fired Rice with chicken, chaufa and other food they brought in a box, as well as chicha morada, soft drinks, ice water, and tins of beer.

Ice cream vendors were also happy to ‘do business’ in the sun, and cotton candy was also sold.

In the midst of winter, they took advantage of the warmth felt yesterday and enjoyed a day at the beach. (Isabel Medina / Photo: Anthony Nino de Guzman / Drome).
In the midst of winter, they took advantage of the warmth felt yesterday and enjoyed a day at the beach. (Isabel Medina / Photo: Anthony Nino de Guzman / Drome).

Temperature above six degrees

Abraham Levy also pointed out yesterday, “The maximum temperature at Lima-Galla was 24.9oC (6.11oC higher than the historical average for the date). Remarkable”.

For today, Sennahi has forecast cloudy skies in the early morning, clear skies by noon and cloudy skies at sunset.

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In the midst of winter, they took advantage of the warmth felt yesterday and enjoyed a day at the beach. (Isabel Medina / Photo: Anthony Nino de Guzman / Drome).

I know that:

  • In This winter It was several days Night and daytime ‘heat waves’.
  • June 17, 1997 Largest Maximum Temperature Anomaly at Lima-Galla: Above 8.95ºC, reports Abraham Levy.
  • Levy said the coastal El Nino will remain strong until November and moderate from December onwards.

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