What is EsSalud's coverage for children under 28? | Answers

What is EsSalud's coverage for children under 28?  |  Answers

Plenary Session of Congress, Act No. 26790 approved a reform that modifies Article 3, known as the Modernization of Social Security in Health Act, which expands coverage. Assault For children above 18 years up to 28 years. Below we tell you all the details you need to take into account on this topic.

What is coverage for children under 28?

EsSalud coverage for children under the age of 28, approved by the Plenary of Congress, Act no. Amends Article 3 of 26790, which allows children over 18 years of age to extend the validity of their EsSalud insurance until age 28. years.

The reform was passed by 91 votes in favor, 13 against and 8 abstentions, with a second vote exempted.

The proposal establishes that beneficiaries must have successfully completed their higher education and remain single.

The main objective is to guarantee access to social security for young people dedicated exclusively to their academic training, which has generated debate among health professionals.

What is ESSALUD and what types of insurance does it administer?

Peru's Social Health Insurance, known as EzaludContributory health insurance is targeted at all Peruvian citizens who meet certain characteristics. Ezalud Provides prevention, promotion, recovery, rehabilitation services, economic benefits and social benefits.

Insurance managed by EsSalud:

· Regular Insurance (+Insurance):

It is compulsory coverage for all active workers working under a dependency relationship or as members of a labor cooperative.

Likewise, port workers, construction workers, fishermen, pensioners affiliated with Ex-Sinners Social Security and Benefits Fund (CBSSP), former CBSSP-affiliated fishermen, independent artisan fishermen, independent artisans, port workers, agricultural members, cooperative societies, Act no. Beneficiaries of 30478 and pensioners receiving pension, disability or survivor's pension.

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· Possible Insurance (+Health):

It is health insurance that protects you and your family's welfare and protects you from unforeseen circumstances.

+Salud Seguro Potestativo membership guarantees EsSalud to meet your health needs under the health plan, in exchange for paying a monthly contribution. This insurance does not pay extra for medical consultation, hospitalization days or emergency services.

Targeted at any person living in the country, national or foreign, without age limit, especially independent workers (professionals, technicians, artisans, merchants, transporters and artists) and their dependents, as well as university students, trainees and other entrepreneurs; Those not covered by Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS) or EsSalud through an employer.

Subsidiaries may be:

  • Owner (person of legal age)
  • Spouse or common law partner
  • A minor or an adult child is totally and permanently unable to work.
  • Work

·Supplementary Risk Employment Insurance (+Protection):

This is EsSalud insurance, which provides coverage for work accidents and occupational diseases to dependent or independent workers performing hazardous activities.

Insurance +Security Coverage in health benefits till complete recovery and rehabilitation of the insured provides:

Promotional preventive assistance and advice in occupational health to the employing organization and the insured worker.

Medical, Pharmaceutical, Hospital and Surgical, irrespective of the complicating condition till the insured worker's total recovery or total or partial permanent disability or death is declared.

Rehabilitation and labor rehabilitation of disabled insured worker under this insurance through Specialized Vocational Rehabilitation Centers (CERP) and/or Basic Vocational Rehabilitation Modules (MBRP).

Prosthetic and orthopedic devices required by the insured worker who is disabled under this insurance.

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· Essalud Agricultural Insurance:

It is a special social security regime providing health, economic and social benefits to dependent and independent workers engaged in agriculture and/or breeding, poultry, agro-industrial or aquaculture activities, excluding forestry.

This insurance provides coverage for the following:

  • Preventive and promotional benefits: Includes health education, risk assessment and control and immunizations.
  • Health recovery benefits: Includes medical care, outpatient and inpatient, drugs and medical supplies, essential prostheses and orthopedic devices, rehabilitation services.
  • Welfare benefits and social development: Outreach, social support and rehabilitative activities aimed at improving the person and protecting their health.
  • Economic benefits: This is the amount of money that EsSalud provides to compensate for the economic loss incurred due to temporary disability (illness or accident), childbirth and contributing to the care of a newborn child. Likewise, it is provided to the person who proves that he has incurred the funeral expenses on the death of the insured.
  • Maternity Benefits: It covers the health care of the pregnant mother and the post-natal period and the newborn.

· EsSalud Accident Insurance (+VIDA):

+ Life Personal accident insurance provides compensation in case of death or total or partial permanent disability as a result of an accident and its coverage supports FederationCreated by MAPFRE Peru Insurance and Reinsurance Company S.A Y MAPFRE Peru Vida Insurance and Reinsurance Company.

Protects 24 hours a day, 365 days a year both inside and outside the country.


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