The Congress on Economic and Regional Development creates a debate among experts in the area

The Congress on Economic and Regional Development creates a debate among experts in the area

Academics from various countries participated in the latest edition of the XVII Congress on Economics and Regional Development, organized by the Department of Economics and Finance of the Faculty of Business Sciences, held at the Concepcion headquarters of the University of Bio-Pio.


The Congress aimed to generate debate on issues of regional and national interest, in which various matters of socio-economic concern were addressed.

In the presence of the Rector of the University of Bío-Bío, Dr. Benito Umana; Dean of the Faculty of Business Sciences, Dr. Elizabeth Grandon; Director of Economics and Finance, Dr. Osvaldo Pino; Director of the Export SMEs Program, Cristian Muñoz and Minister of Finance Hernán Fricolet, launched the seventeenth “Congress on Economic and Regional Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Development in the 21st Century”.

The function started with a greeting from the Rector, Dr. Benito Umana, who highlighted the university’s responsibility to transfer knowledge from training to society. At the same time, he said, the initiative stands out for highlighting relevant topics and coordinating activities to create greater breadth and debate on topics relevant to the region and the country.

On his part, the Dean of the Faculty of Business Sciences, Dr. Elizabeth Grandon, who was part of the welcome greetings of the move, highlighted the participation of international exhibitors such as Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, England and Spain: “It being international takes more importance for our teachers, she said that one of the basic pillars we want to address is internalization.

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Director of Department of Economics and Finance Dr. Osvaldo Pino emphasized that he is ready to respond to the needs of the community, based on information and economic analysis about variables such as employment and development of the community. .

Likewise, he noted that among the events created by this unit are the launch of the Business Horizons magazine, the Biobio Labor Observatory project of the Ministry of Labour, a research seedbed targeting undergraduate and graduate students, and digital transformation in manufacturing SMEs. Biobioregional and environmental socioeconomic research.

The department offers services in Business Engineering, Public Accountant and Auditor, Civil Engineering in Computer Science, Execution Engineering in Computing and Informatics, Execution Engineering in Business Administration, Statistical Engineering and evening work. From 2024, a master’s degree in applied economics is taught at both UBB headquarters.

The full recording is available here:


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