The first US spacecraft to reach the moon in 50 years successfully completed its mission

The first US spacecraft to reach the moon in 50 years successfully completed its mission

Odysseus, which reached the moon last Thursday, became the first U.S. spacecraft to reach a natural satellite in more than 50 years, “efficiently transmitting images and scientific data of the payload” as part of a mission called IM-1.

Odysseus Lunar Vol. Photo: EFE

He Odysseus Vol es First private mission to successfully land on the moon. however, will be disconnected With the intention of trying to “wake him up” in the next two or three weeks.

“We are going to put 'OD' to sleep and hopefully wake her up in two or three weeks for various tests,” the co-founder of the private company that built the ship announced at the conference. Steve AltemusWho narrated “Wild Conquest” “Pioneer Work” of Odysseus Vol.Despite the mishap during his moon landing last Thursday.

Images of the moon sent by Odysseus.  Photo: EFEImages of the moon sent by Odysseus. Photo: EFE

The reason for termination remains true “Solar power generation does not allow telemetry to be transmitted continuously”It's 80 degrees south of the moon's south pole, but “let's put Odie to sleep.” Try to “revive” it when the sun re-illuminates its solar panel.

Altemus, along with scientists from his institute NASA They expressed their enthusiasm for the achievements in this mission The first American spacecraft to land on the lunar surface in more than 50 yearsSince Apollo 17 in 1972.

It was Odysseus kidnapped a Huge amount of data, photos and information from our natural satellite: “This is an incredible testament to the strength of the spacecraft and we are very happy,” said the businessman.

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China rocket launch.  Photo: Reuters.

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A successful mission

Joel KearnsThe deputy associate administrator for exploration at NASA highlighted how a private American company “landed engineering and scientific equipment and data on the lunar surface” in the 21st century and what we're getting at the most valuable.

He described the work as “pioneering” and was excited to be able to live “The sixth day of this new era of the 21st century”After Odysseus practices a lunar “soft landing.”

Images of the moon sent by Odysseus.  Photo: EFEOdysseus in the Moon. Photo: EFE

“If anyone is wondering if NASA considers this mission a success, my answer is yes”, it could be explained thus. “A Flight Test, First Step Back to the Moon”Kearns said.

The importance of this task lies in the block landing area One of the unexplored areas the space agency believes may contain deposits of frozen water.


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