The Ibero-American Blue Economy Awards recognize the Board’s commitment to public-private dialogue

The Ibero-American Blue Economy Awards recognize the Board’s commitment to public-private dialogue

The Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy of the Government of Andalusia has been recognized in the I Ibero-American Blue Economy Awards, in the category of Commitment to Public-Private Cooperation, IV Ibero-American framework. Collected this Wednesday by Ramón Fernández-Pacheco, adviser to the Naval Engineering Congress and Branch, which will be held in Seville between October 3 and 5. During his speech at the event in Seville’s Real Alcázar, the head of the Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy thanked for this recognition and congratulated the other winners for developing and promoting initiatives, practices or projects. The field of blue economy, which has contributed to great scientific, technological, cultural, social, economic and humanitarian developments with significant real impact on society. Fernández-Pacheco, within the framework of the development of the first Andalusian blue economy strategy, the mapping of the coast has been carried out and to date more than 35,000 companies and more than 122,000 jobs related to the economy have been identified. Blue gives an idea of ​​the “almost limitless” business opportunities that open up in this area. “And always keeping in mind one inescapable principle: balance and compatibility between economic growth and sustainability,” he added. On the other hand, the Sea, a friendly advisor against climate change, stressed that the Andalusian Sustainable Blue Economy Strategy already has the necessary pillars and structure to create an action plan. Andalusia. As with diagnostics, a project that involves scientific experts, academics, and the business sector and society in general must advance not only future actions, but also how we approach them. This action plan always takes into account “what’s going on at sea”. Moreover, it is clear that “the ocean must become an ally in adapting to the effects of climate change, not the future, but the present.” Regarding the commitment of the Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy to public-private cooperation recognized in these I Ibero-American Blue Economy Awards, the consultant said it is necessary to achieve sustainable development in coastal areas. “There is still much work to be done, the challenges we face in the blue economy sector are enormous and require joint and sustained effort,” he concluded. The award winners have also been awarded the Public-Private Collaboration Award to the Universidad Austral de Chile, in collaboration with the Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy. In the category of promoting European-Ibero-American cooperation in the blue economy, the Blue Cluster in Colombia and the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena de Indias were awarded, while the award for technological development went to Navantia. The award for excellence in construction and repair went to the Scientific and Technological Institute for the Development of the River Naval Industry (Cotecmar) of Colombia, which aims to protect the freedom and security of the seas and oceans. Navies of all nations were represented. In the Professional Development for Blue Economy category, the International Maritime University of Panama and the Blue Education Program stood out, while the Best Award for Sustainability in Oceans and Seas went to Colombia’s Iberdrola and Ecopetrol. Energy Company. The award for excellence in maritime transport and logistics went to State Ports of Spain and Port of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia; The award for excellence in coastal tourism and maritime operations went to shipping company Baleria and the award for equality and inclusion in the blue economy went to Women in the Maritime Industry (VISTA).

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