The mission of science, technology and innovation was born to make science a tool of life

The mission of science, technology and innovation was born to make science a tool of life

This Friday, Gabriela Jiménez Ramírez, Departmental Vice President of Science, Technology, Education and Health, highlighted that Venezuela is taking a new and bold initiative with the launch of the Better Science, Technology and Innovation Movement. Humberto Fernandez-Moran”.

Through his account in social networking and progress to the people of Venezuela.

Likewise, he shared audiovisual material showing some scientific developments, 100% Venezuela, where the national president emphasizes the launch of a great work of science, technology and innovation “Dr. Humberto Fernández Morán”, an unprecedented initiative that marked the beginning of a new era in the country's scientific and technological development.

This mission is structured and emphasized on its five strategic nodes to protect national scientific talents, strengthen research and development gaps, promote science and technology in production and economy, promote Venezuela's digital transformation and promote international cooperation and alliances.

“This is a great task of the new generation, with its five prongs, taking the court, the field, and giving the level of knowledge and scientific production,” the head of state commented.

Likewise, this ambitious mission is named after the famous Venezuelan scientist Dr. Humberto Fernández Moran, whose legacy inspired generations in the field of biophysics and medicine.

Likewise, he noted that the creation of the “Humberto Fernández Moran” University of Science, which will open its doors in July this year, will be dedicated to research and specialization in applied sciences, with the best scientists.

Finally, President Maduro emphasized that this work is a commitment to the life, hope and future of Venezuela.

Through outstanding scientific work Dr. Humberto Fernández-Morán, the country aims to reach new frontiers in science and technology, ensuring sustainable development and a better quality of life for all Venezuelans.

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Communication Management Office of Popular Power Ministry for Science and Technology / Journalist: Nylet Rojas Garcia.


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