The scariest discoveries made by science in space, are they threatening?

Since the beginning of mankind, humans have wondered about the mysteries of the origin of the universe, the beginning of life, the existence of other planets, and the potential threats to the human race.

With the advancement of technology, scientists have been able to study various events that led to galaxies and other planets. Additionally, Various hypotheses have been developed regarding certain future events.

On the other hand, potential threats to the human race and the Earth have been studied. Such as an asteroid impact, a solar flare attack, or the passing of Earth’s orbit by an unknown object.

According to ‘Clarin’ media, science has studied some astronomical objects that can have a negative impact not only on the Earth but also on the Solar System. Below are some of the frightening events.

(Also read: ‘El Niño’s younger brother’: A phenomenon that feeds destructive cyclones).

Effects of solar storms

This star is essential for life on earth. However, our planet is constantly bombarded by high-energy particles from the Sun. But most of the time, the planet’s magnetic field deflects these solar flares.

Sometimes, however, magnetic disturbances inside this star align with sunlight, causing a flare that emits incredible amounts of X-rays and energy.

If these rays interact with Earth’s magnetic field, Navigation systems, communications and electrical networks may be affected.

But scientists have found that the probability of a solar storm affecting the planet is between 1.6% and 12% per decade.

Arrival of a mega comet

In 2021, astrologers reported the appearance of a giant comet 137 kilometers in diameter and 100,000 times the mass of an average icy rocky body.

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Comet C/2014 UN271 is so large that it was initially classified as a minor planet. Fortunately, Its closest approach is expected to be in 2031, and the snowball will not come within 1,600 million kilometers of Earth.

Andromeda constellation

This celestial formation is located 2.5 million light years from Earth. Additionally, it is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way, where the Solar System is located.

Although it is a spectacle for amateurs and scientists observing it from a telescope, Andromeda is believed to collide with the Milky Way in about 3,000 to 5,000 million years. This causes a huge galaxy to erupt and engulf Earth in mid-crash.

(Also read: India’s lunar rover encounters a crater, forcing it to change course.)

Daniela Lararte Azad

Digital Scope Writing


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