The smallest country in South America pays the highest minimum wage in the entire region: how much is the Peruvian sole worth?

The smallest country in South America pays the highest minimum wage in the entire region: how much is the Peruvian sole worth?
Know the country with the highest minimum wage in South America. (Retail Peru)

The size of a country's economy is often linked to the income its citizens can earn. However, in some cases the opposite can happen. In South AmericaFor example, there is one of the smallest states minimum wage Highest in the region.

The country with the highest minimum wage in South America is Uruguay, where a formal worker earns at least 22.628 cents Uruguayans, some 580 dollars per month.

Thus, this small eastern nation (the second smallest in the subcontinent, after Suriname), with just 3.4 million people and one of the lowest gross domestic product (GDP) in the region, is more than its closest competitor, Chile. , for 50 dollars.

By converting the value of Uruguay's minimum wage to Peruvian currency, the total 2.170 solesThis is twice the base salary in Peru.

The minimum wage in Uruguay is 22,628 Uruguayan pesos. (Freepic)

Although the minimum wage in Uruguay is one of the highest in the region, this can be justified by the cost of living in the country.

Uruguay's National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC) reported this A basic basket in that country costs US$284. On the other hand, it costs US$110 in Peru.

According to specialist site Numbeo, in Uruguay, consumer prices, including rent, are 94% higher than in neighboring Argentina.

To work in Uruguay, you must be an immigrant Uruguayan identity cardIt is obtained through the legal residency process.

It requires both working and living without limits.

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He Ministry of Labor and Social Security Uruguay says it can hire a foreign worker without an identity card.

To do this, the immigrant must prove that he is processing legal residence, and from this the employer can hire him with his foreign document.

There are not many requirements for a foreigner to work in Uruguay. (EFE)
  • Medical coverage
  • Subsidy for work related diseases and accidents
  • Maternity leave
  • Family positions
  • Aguinaldo
  • Holidays with pay
  • Holiday pay
  • Pension is paid after attaining the age of 60 years
  • Uruguay: $580
  • Chile: $530
  • Ecuador: $460
  • Paraguay: $367
  • Bolivia: $342
  • Colombia: $335
  • Brazil: $291
  • Peru: $277
  • Argentina: $152
  • Venezuela: $3,61

The requirements for revaluation of foreign degrees in Uruguay are:

  • Request letter (the Uruguayan government has a sample of this on its official website).
  • Legalized or apostilled copy of academic record.
  • Copy of identity document.
  • Front and back copy of title with legalization and apostille.

Submission of these documents should be done online. In some specific cases, the Directorate of National Education may request supplementary documents to complete the procedure.


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