The Voyager 1 probe provides readable data from space for the first time in five months

The Voyager 1 probe provides readable data from space for the first time in five months

Space exploration Voyager 1It was released in September 1977 and is currently in high demand 24 billion km from EarthAfter a failure in the ship's computers, it has once again sent intelligence data and it has been fixed, the US space agency said.

For the first time in five months, NASA engineers received intelligible data about Voyager 1's systems. Humanity's most distant spacecraft in space, its messages take 22.5 hours to reach Earth.

Voyager 2 has been in space for 41 years.


In 2012 space exploration advanced beyond the bubble of gas released by the Sun, a field called the heliosphere, now embedded in interstellar space with the magnetic fields of gas, dust and other stars.

Last March, the Voyager engineering team NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, In Southern California, it confirmed that the detected problem was related to one of the three computers on board the spacecraft, called the Flight Data Subsystem (FDS).

NASA has been studying these observed phenomena on Jupiter since 1955.

Photo:Taken from NASA's home page

Corrosion on a chip prevents data system computers from accessing a key piece of software code used to compile information for later transmission to Earth.

NASA said the problem was solved by moving the affected code to different locations in the memory of the probe's computers.

Voyager 1 left Earth on September 5, 1977, a few days after its sister spacecraft, Voyager-2.

The main objective of the twin spacecraft is to study the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and NeptuneThey completed a mission in 1989 and were then transported into deep space towards the center of our galaxy.

Voyager 2, which has flown by Uranus and Neptune, is still operating normally after traveling more than 20.3 billion kilometers from our planet.


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