This will be the value of UMA in 2024: when the increase applies

This will be the value of UMA in 2024: when the increase applies

This Tuesday National Statistical and Geographical Institute (INEG) announced the renewal of Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA) It will rule in 2024. It is used as a reference in pesos of values ​​for payment of obligations, federal and state laws and presumptions of law.

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The Value optimization Every year of UMA should be carried outThe Second Interim Article of the Decree Reforms and Accounts for Various Provisions of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (CPEUM) De-indexation of minimum wage.

INEG confirmed the increase of UMA. Source: Archive

What will be the new value of UMA?

UMA has a Daily value 108.57 pesos, Monthly 3,300.53 cents Y year 39,606.36 cents A From February 1. In 2023, the value is 103.74 pesos daily, 3,153.70 pesos monthly, and 37,844.40 pesos annually.

How is UMA value calculated?

To calculate its value, you need to multiply the cost of the UMA For the immediate previous Resulting from the sum of the annual percentage growth of December of the immediate previous year in the Index of National Consumer Prices (INPC). Received annual variation Inside December 2023 was 4.66 percent.

Calculation of value of UMA a Work related to INEGI And based on the final paragraph of Article 26, Section B, CPEUM; In the second transitional article of the decree reforming and adding various provisions of the CPEUM regarding the elimination of the minimum wage, and Article 23, XX Bis of the internal regulations of INEGI, the company indicated in a statement.

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