New President for JNJ (Antonio de la Jaza): What is your position on Congress? Renovación Signatures for Extraordinary Plenary Session? | National Judicial Board | Office of the National Prosecutor | Patricia Benavides | principle

New President for JNJ (Antonio de la Jaza): What is your position on Congress?  Renovación Signatures for Extraordinary Plenary Session?  |  National Judicial Board |  Office of the National Prosecutor |  Patricia Benavides |  principle

Let no one doubt our determination to remain committed to protecting the institutions of JNJ and thereby the democratic institutions of the country.” de la Hausa insisted.

Two centuries after the wars of Junin and Ayacucho (which sealed the country's independence), Peru, he felt, “must reaffirm its democratic and constitutional vocation.”

It represents the clear protection of separation of powers, the sole guarantee of the full validity of the democratic system and the rule of law.”, he mentioned.

He emphasized that the JNJ is currently “the guarantor of the independence of judges and prosecutors”, as well as the Office of National Electoral Procedures (ONPE) and Reniec. “Hence the relevance of its constitutional functions and the importance of guaranteeing its absolute autonomy in the exercise of its functions,” he added.

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In the past year, de la Haza recalled, the organization “had to defend that autonomy with integrity” and that they used “all the formal means at our disposal” to do so. Parliament's Justice Commission and its final report (after being amended) proposed the impeachment of collegium members.

The document was not discussed in plenary after the Justice Department ordered Congress to freeze the process.

The inauguration of the new president of the National Board of Justice was attended by the President of the Judiciary, Javier Arevalo; Justice and Human Rights Minister Eduardo Arana; Acting Attorney of the Nation Juan Carlos Villena; Comptroller Nelson Sheikh and Ombudsman, Jose Gutierrez et al.

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On behalf of Parliament, neither its President Alejandro Soto nor any of its three Vice-Presidents representing that branch of government were present.

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J.N.J. Arvalo was invited to sit near them at the front of the auditorium.

Precisely, the Supreme Court chief voiced his concern about a bill by lawmaker Roberto Chiabra and a multi-party motion in Congress seeking to create a high-level committee to reform the administration of justice. Processor).

The Chief Justice (Centre) was in front of the auditorium during the ceremony at JNJ. (Photo: George Cherton | GEC)

The withdrawn initiative proposed that Parliament should have the prerogative to remove judges and prosecutors, which is currently the JNJ.

De la Jaza, on the other hand, promised to provide “all the facilities” within the scope of his organization so that he can fulfill the call for public merit through the special commission under his presidency. The competition aims to elect new members of the JNJ for the period 2025-2029.

Reply to Benavides

In reports TradeAfter the ceremony, de la Jaza indicated that his company was “open to negotiations” with Parliament, with the aim of “working in the interests of the state”.

(Photo: GEC Archive)

(Photo: GEC Archive)

He also responded to a statement by former national prosecutor Patricia Benavides last Friday, who said he was the victim of a “political hunt” and questioned the JNJ's suspension without conducting investigations or taking statements.

The answer is very simple, the National Judicial Board works within the framework of the Constitution and the law, we implement it and all members of the board respect it.“, said de la Jaza.

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Benavides was accused of being the head of a criminal network that operated at the highest levels of the Public Ministry.

A popular update is constantly looking for signatures

From Congress, Renovación Popular's spokesman, Jorge Montoya, said parliamentary president Alejandro Soto (Alliance for Progress) had more than 50 signatures in support of his request. Debate and vote on his resolution to dismiss the members of the JNJ for suspending Benavides.

Hopefully, we can get a firm decision by Friday. We have problems [para reunir las firmas digitales] Because we are in delegation week and some congressmen have gone to places where the signal is not good. We are on good pace“, he told this newspaper.

(Photo: El Comercio)

(Photo: El Comercio)

Montoya also said there was “no act of retaliation” behind his request to remove the seven members of the JNJ.

“We are fulfilling our function, which is to oversee,” he noted.

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Congressmen from the light blue bench said they would present a demand with 78 signatures to call an extraordinary plenary session early next week under dire circumstances.

The retired admiral explained that parliamentarians from the Fuerza Popular, Avanza País and Perú Libre benches, as well as some non-party members, have signed his petition. “No one from APP has signed,” he noted.

“We are going to insist until the end because this is our duty and no one is above the law,” he said.

Warns of lack of limitations

During her exit speech as head of the JNJ, Imelda Dumialan said the past few months had been “uncertain” for her organization because “there was a constant threat to the justice system,” referring to a department of Congress. Dismissal of all its members.

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“The year of administration that ended today has demanded tremendous efforts from the members of the entire session to protect the institutionality and autonomy of this body. The challenges that the board will have to face at the beginning of 2023 cannot be overlooked,” he said.

Dumialan said the “absence of limits” between state powers and constitutionally autonomous bodies “progressively weakens” the democratic system. Moreover, it turns the quest for justice into “a promise devoid of content when exposed to the interests of the incumbent.”


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