Tina Poluiarte | Nicanor Boluarte ran away and did not come to the prosecutor’s office principle

Tina Poluiarte |  Nicanor Boluarte ran away and did not come to the prosecutor’s office  principle

Nicanor Boluarte, the brother in question of the President, was supposed to appear at the main headquarters of the Ministry of Public Affairs at 9:30 this Tuesday morning to give his report and give accounts, but he did not show up.


A team of special prosecutors against corruption in power, led by prosecutor Marita Barreto, was waiting for him on Apanke Avenue to provide his defense within the framework of the preliminary investigation followed for crimes such as bad collusion and influence peddling.

Boluarte is involved in a case allegedly in favor of a S/20 million budget item for the construction of five public works in the Nanchoc district of Cajamarca.

In the investigation, according to sources Peru21 It is adjourned to next Monday the 27th, when Nixon Hoyos, the mayor of the said district attended his birthday celebration on the 18th of October and after that he is to report the details of his desired budget.

In addition to Hoyos, the tax hearings included others who attended the celebration of the president’s brother, such as Noriel Singe Salazar, the regional governor of Cajamarca who resigned; his brothers Jorge and Antonio Singe Salazar; Victor Torres Merino, Edwin Ugarte Nina and ex-prosecutor Michael Carlos Aranda are friends of Nicanor Polwart.

This is usual

President Tina Polwart’s ‘brother’ has not learned, as this is not the first time he has not heeded his summons.

Last Thursday he was invited by the Congressional Oversight Committee to give details of the case, but he recused himself from attending due to health problems and requested to reschedule his presentation.

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The anti-corruption prosecutor’s office from the Ministry of Economy has opened investigations into the billionaire’s payments to the municipality of Cajamarca.

“I am requesting the attorney general’s office to urgently provide documented information on the legal regulations formalizing the transfer of the budget to the Nanchok District Municipality and the technical reports supporting the budget approval,” the lawyer requested last Monday.

to answer

Last Sunday, Peru21 It revealed that Nicanor Boluarte’s networks also extended to officials of the Apurímac Health Directorate (Teresa).

German Nina Goello, a technical adviser to Teresa’s legal area, was caught by this newspaper on October 9 talking to the president’s brother about the importance of building a hospital in his region.

Nina Goello has been friends with Nicanor for at least 7 years. It has received tenders since 2013, but this year in particular reached it with two ministries, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Education. This is thanks to Nutriantina, a company founded in 2019.

In 2023, Minedu awarded a total of S/122,164 to Nutriandina, Michaela Bastidas National University of Apurimac. Also, the government has awarded S/236,474 to the same company for the sale of goods for the Glass of Milk program to the municipality of Apanke.

Dina Boluarte continues to defend her brother tooth and nail, assuring him that she has no influence on any of the government’s decisions on him, despite a large body of evidence putting him in the crosshairs of justice.

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  • An anti-corruption prosecutor’s office has already been launched Inquiries and information requested from MEF regarding disbursement of S/20 million.
  • Nicanor Boluarte promotes The creation of a political party called Ciudadanos por el Peru, with the support of the governors and vice-presidents of the government.”
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