Tremors in the Dominican Republic today, May 8, live: Center and magnitude of recent earthquakes – via CNS | National Center for Seismology | composition

Tremors in the Dominican Republic today, May 8, live: Center and magnitude of recent earthquakes – via CNS |  National Center for Seismology |  composition

He Shares in real time the latest earthquakes in the Dominican Republic, detected by a network of seismometers located throughout the national territory, with a high concentration in areas classified as high risk. From this work, see information with all the details of telluric movements felt nationally today, Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

It is important to clarify that the CNS plays an important role in inhibition; For this reason, on a daily basis, it disseminates information about seismic events in the Central American country.

Today, May 8, was the last earthquake in the Dominican Republic

Remember that the country is located in a highly seismic zone. Virtually all earthquakes in the Dominican Republic have two main faults: the North Fault Zone, which runs from the north of the country, and the Enriquezillo-Blanton Garden Fault Zone, to the southwest. According to competent authorities, these can cause significant earthquakes of magnitude 7.

National Emergency and Security Assistance Organization in the Dominican Republic

  • Contact number: 911
  • Directed to: Residents and visitors within the system’s coverage areas.
  • Requirements: Recording the classification of the emergency and the address where it occurs
  • Cost: Free
  • Hours: 24 hours
  • Approximate response time: 1 to 3 minutes from call
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