Tremors live in Peru today, February 29 – IGP's official report with the latest earthquakes | composition

Tremors live in Peru today, February 29 – IGP's official report with the latest earthquakes |  composition

Peru sits on the South American tectonic plate, which collides head-on with the Nazca Plate, and when they come into friction, they create tension, which is released in the form of tremors or earthquakes. That way, I will let you know with the latest update In conjunction with Population census, which receives its data from the National Seismic Network, which is developed and integrated by a series of velocity, acceleration and displacement sensors distributed across the country. Know data like exact time, size of scale, center area and more details of recent event areas Áncash, Lima, Ica, Moquegua, Arequipa, in other sectors They occur frequently there.

Tremors in Peru Today, February 29 – Live

What accessories should be in an emergency bag?

  • Water: 2 liters of water per person per day.
  • Non-perishable foods: sandwiches, cookies, dried fruit, canned foods, etc.
  • Warm clothing: Warm clothing, hat, gloves and scarf.
  • First aid kit: bandages, cloth, alcohol, soap, band-aids etc.
  • Flashlight: With spare batteries.
  • Radio: With spare batteries.
  • Whistle: To call for help.
  • Money: For unexpected expenses.
  • Important documents: copies of your ID, health insurance, etc.
  • Personal hygiene products: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap etc.

Emergency Backpack: What Components Should It Include?

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