UAZ Science is a new place for science communication

UAZ Science is a new place for science communication

Zacatecas, Zac.-This Monday, February 12, the Social Communication Integration of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ) will open a new space to disseminate the work of its researchers.

The podcast, called Ciencia UAZ, will be broadcast through the Spotify platform, and it is planned to extend to other digital destinations, including broadcast on radio stations in other states of the Republic.

UAZ Science is a way to spread the daily work carried out in UAZ laboratories and research centers. This is a response to the various requests that authors and researchers sent to the social communication coordination to increase the spaces for making the results of their projects known to wider segments of the population.

The inaugural broadcast of this information space will be carried out by a team of researchers from the Academic Division of Chemical Sciences led by Research Professor Irma González Curiel, who created a program on Women in Science and Women's Day. Special guests for this broadcast will be researchers Andrea Guadalupe Rodríguez López, Refugio Rodríguez Vázquez and Sara María del Río Venegas.

Ciencia UAZ joins the oldest radio program of our House of Studies, Avance Universitario, which last year celebrated 25 years of broadcasting.

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