UNLP gave a new place to data science career

UNLP gave a new place to data science career

It will be taught in the Innovation Center of the Faculty of Informatics, a place that this academic unit has in the “Jorge Alberto Sabato” technological production pole, between 64 and 66 cross 113.

Fernando Taber, Vice President of the Academic Area of ​​the National University of La Plata, held a meeting with Marcelo Nayoff, Dean of the Faculty of Information, in the last few hours.

The agenda includes conversations about the implementation of brand-new data science in degree institutions co-taught by the Faculty of Information Sciences and the Faculty of Economic Sciences.

Between 64 and 66, on the diagonal 113, in the “Jorge Alberto Sabato” technical production pole, there are clarifications regarding the adaptation of the spaces in this educational unit, innovation and technology transfer center.

The Innovation Center is a 2,810 square meter state-of-the-art building that integrates team work areas into spaces for interaction and experimentation. At the same time, it has common areas and areas dedicated to specific functions.

On the one hand, each research unit of faculty has a work space from which innovations for the discipline are generated. On the other hand, activities like workshops and exhibitions are being conducted in designated classrooms and central hall.

The so-called “acceleration room” helps to showcase developments in the area of ​​human-computer interaction in an experiential way. Therefore, activities such as visits to schools and general public are planned where, through games and other dynamics, new forms of interaction with computers can be learned and experienced.

Tauber and Naiouf have agreed to operate spaces in the imposing building to teach computer-related subjects in the institute's new data science degree, which will be taught for the first time this year.

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The meeting between the two officials also included a tour of the new auditorium at the faculty headquarters, located at 50th and 120th Street. It should be noted that the room opened in mid-2023 and marked the completion of the last phase. Construction works of your entire building.

It can accommodate 405 people. It consists of support areas: a control room is located on the first floor, which is completed with tanks on the second floor. In terms of surface area, the total area of ​​the room with respective supports, circulation and control areas is 612 m².


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