Use of Cell Phones in Police Service Ended, June's PNP Chief Announces Due to Troopers' “Bad Habits”

Use of Cell Phones in Police Service Ended, June's PNP Chief Announces Due to Troopers' “Bad Habits”

General Danilo VeraThe head of the Junín Police Region admitted this Monday that officers have “a bad habit of using the phone” during the workday, so he ordered a thorough investigation and expected the agents to be subject to possible sanctions if they continued. practice.

“I went out in the open and was able to check that the police were misusing cell phones and allowing others who kept their personal vehicles nearby to keep them away from work. This will all come to an end Our personnel will provide adequate service to citizens,” he said as he introduced 520 police officers who will patrol the region's streets on foot.

“Heads of Departments and Heads of Services are responsible for oversight. A report will be submitted to the inspector if it is proven that the activities have been abandoned for external activities. [General de la PNP] For applying economic sanctions,” he added, as quoted by local media. Huancayork Times.

The limitation is designed only at the personal level as uniformed personnel have access to cell phones during exercise due to the lack of wireless intercoms. Faced with this shortage, Vera It is proposed that the troops should prove themselves real time location, through apps or video calls.

Archive photo of agents from the Junín Police Region. Photo: Andina

During his recognition ceremony in early January, he pledged to intensify the corruption complaints affecting the institution, prioritize integrated work and promote the implementation of prevention programs to “regain the trust” of the public.

“I consider this position a moment of great responsibility, as my every decision must live up to the expectations of the citizens,” he said during his speech, in which he stressed that his administration would register “very serious” complaints and that it would intensify. PROCEEDINGS IN THE PROVINCE.

The police chief also announced that he is coordinating with the mayors of El Tambo and Chilca districts to implement aerial patrols with drones, another pioneering initiative in the region. “It's being coordinated; “It's a bipartisan proposal that will allow recognition of faces and license plates,” he confirmed. Huanca York Times Mayor of El Tambo, Cesar Lallico.

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In February 2022, Miguel Cayetano, former head of the IX Arequipa Police Macro-Region, imposed a similar ban on the use of cell phones and instituted bans on agents not wearing uniforms properly.

A few weeks ago, a police officer and a content creator were criticized on social networks While 'battle' with another in real-time Streamer During their service. Non-Commissioned Officer Jaycee Villarreal He was seen riding in a vehicle, sending greetings or replying to some netizens' criticisms Use of official attire For actions unrelated to their functions.

Villarreal was defiant when he was warned he could face a penalty. “Let them unsubscribe, casuallyBut in a few months […] It's still June. Aren't you embarrassed to wear a uniform for broadcast? Imagine, I'm not shy about other things that would be bad for broadcast. As for the picture, I give PNP a picture. “If it's ugly, it's a bad movie,” he laughed.

Although this was prohibited by a directive signed by the company's then director in 2017, the employee has already shared photos of other 'battles', travel videos, exercise routines or the PNP symbol. Vicente Romero, Tina Boluiarte's former interior minister. He is going to show a police badge where his name can be seen.

Mood N.º 151-2017-SUB-DGPNPIt establishes proper use in social networks, and requires authorities to “put in place the necessary security structures in their networks Personal privacyAnd it's best to only show personal information to friends and family.

Till date BNP 133,880 employees (among officers and non-commissioned officers) stationed in various divisions of the national territory. Before he was audited by Congress, Romero said about 52,000 agents retired between 2002 and 2022.

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