Video | Libertad Digital launches new technology training programs

Video |  Libertad Digital launches new technology training programs

At the time of publication, 292 participants were enrolled. Schemes include scholarships with 95% coverage.

Santo Domingo.- Libertad Digital announced the launch of its new technology training programs MasterSECURITY, MasterAI and MasterDATA, which aim to connect adults to the world of software development, cybersecurity, data science and artificial intelligence.

Libertad Digital, a non-profit social enterprise dedicated to promoting true digital transformation in the Dominican Republic, designed these projects, led by its team led by engineer José Armando Tavares, which are included in the successful MasterCODE project.

Since its launch in March 2021, Libertad Digital has implemented digital inclusion projects in various communities from Monseñor Nouel (Bonao) to San Pedro de Macorís, affecting people across the country, including Gualey, Capotillo, Guaricanos, Boca Chica and other sectors. . Till date, the organization has benefited more than 2,302 people, trained more than 2,000 people, awarded more than 300 certificates and successfully completed the placement process for more than 60 people.

The new training programs, MasterSECURITY, MasterDATA and MasterAI will be officially presented on October 17 at 10:00 am at the BDO building located in Ortega y Gasset. These seven-month training programs, divided into two phases, aim to provide participants with comprehensive and practical education in their areas of interest.

The first phase, lasting one month, is completely free and allows participants to earn two international FreecodeCamp certificates. In the second phase, participants will receive a 95% scholarship to complete a boot camp of 240 hours of specialized classes in their chosen area. This bootcamp or technical career lasts for three months, with optional three months of actual work experience.

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The launch event was attended by Chairman and Founder of Libertad Digital, Mr. Led by Jose Armando Tavares, Managing Partner of BDO Digital and founder of Talentic. With more than 25 years of experience in the technology sector, it is a benchmark in the country in enhancing the technological capability of people and organizations.

“At Libertad Digital, we believe that technology training is essential to creating a truly digital nation in the Dominican Republic. These new training programs are an extension of our ongoing commitment to empowering individuals and communities through technology,” said José Armando Tavares.

Those interested in learning more about the projects and launch event can visit the Libertad Digital website at or

On Instagram @Liberta_Digital

About Digital Freedom:

It is a non-profit social enterprise dedicated to the training and development of technology in the Dominican Republic. The organization focuses on three pillars: training digital talent, promoting technology entrepreneurship and protecting digital rights. Since its founding in 2021, Libertad Digital has positively impacted thousands of people across the country, working to build an inclusive and advanced digital nation.


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