Water cut in Kalla, today | Schedules and which areas will be affected by Metro Line 2 work | Answers

Water cut in Kalla, today |  Schedules and which areas will be affected by Metro Line 2 work |  Answers

This weekend, works will be carried out on the drinking water distribution network in Gallo, so some parts of the constitutional province will be affected with a temporary cut of water service. This information was shared by the Water and Sewerage Service of Lima (Cedapal) and the Urban Transport Authority (ATU) for Lima and Callo, explaining that the suspension will allow the construction of the two stations to begin. Line 2 of Lima and Callo Metro.

What time will the water cut off in Kalla?

First, it should be noted that there will be a total of two temporary water barriers. One of them is planned for this Starting at 10am on Saturday, November 4, and ending at 3am the following day, Sunday, November 5. On this first date, Cetabal announced in a statement that water cuts will be implemented in the districts of Bellavista, Carmen de la Legua, La Perla and Calao. Because Enrique Meix and Oscar R. in Bellavista. Construction will take place at the intersection of Benavides Avenues.

In this first discontinuance of supply, two 700 mm HD pipelines are planned to be commissioned simultaneously.

When will the second water cut take place in Kalla?

The next supply cut will take place on Saturday, November 11, and will affect Bellavista, Carmen de la Legua, La Perla and Callo in addition to the La Punta district. For this second cut-off date, it is planned to run four 1400 mm HD pipelines at the elevation of the points where the Benavides and Carmen de la Legua stations are located, corresponding to Line 2 of the Metro.

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How will water supply develop in areas affected by supply cuts?

Provisional drinking water supply on November 4 will be carried out by activating 11 emergency wells, located in various areas around the affected districts of Kalla. Fixed points will be provided by 7 tanker trucks in addition to 8 collection points for distribution to hospitals and health centres. It is to be noted that 7 tanker trucks will be available to the public on Saturday 4th November from 1pm to 10pm. On the other hand, eight tanker trucks supplying health facilities will be available from 1pm on Saturday to 3am on Sunday, November 5.

It is to be noted that 7 tanker trucks will be available to the public on Saturday 4th November from 1pm to 10pm. On the other hand, eight tanker trucks supplying health facilities will be available from 1pm on Saturday to 3am on Sunday, November 5. On the other hand, on Saturday, November 11, 13 emergency wells will be installed, located in different parts of Kalla and at two fixed supply points. For these points 35 tanker trucks will be divided into 20 units to supply fixed points and 15 hospitals and health centres.

20 collection vehicles destined for fixed points will be available from 1pm to 10pm on Saturday, November 11, while 15 tanker trucks for delivery to health centers will be available from 1pm to 3am on Sunday, November 12.


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