What does Argentina have that Peru lacks?: Expert grillers give their take on their best competition’s gates | Pan American Grill and Grill Competition | Peruvian Federation of Fires and Grills | Advantage

What does Argentina have that Peru lacks?: Expert grillers give their take on their best competition’s gates |  Pan American Grill and Grill Competition |  Peruvian Federation of Fires and Grills |  Advantage

The competition brings together grill masters from different countries for an unprecedented culinary challenge. Among the members of the Peruvian delegation are experts in the art of grilling: Diego Aciernaga (Coma Restaurant), Pedro Guerrero (Carnivora), Julio Carazatua (Locos por las Brazas) and Joseluis Castro (Ventidres), from different restaurants. They maintain a single passion: fire.

Pork belly grilled by four representatives of the Peruvian Federation of Fire and Grills

/ Nucleo-Photography > George Cherton

Contrary to popular belief, beef products are not the main ingredient in the barbecue world, and food doesn’t always have to be placed on racks. Evidence of this is the piece of picanha impaled on a stick, the chicken hanging on a hook from the professional grill they take to the competition, and everything is cooked little by little when talking to El Comercio.

You can put some nice visors, a fruit or anything really, you can even make a vegetarian grill. There’s a stigma that grilling is all about, not just meat”, Pedro Guerrero tried to make grilled souffa with his colleagues a few minutes before the interview.

A perfectly timed pork loin for a tournament in Venezuela

A perfectly timed pork loin for a tournament in Venezuela

/ Nucleo-Photography > George Cherton

Amid the many possible combinations and the inevitable comparison to Brazilian and Argentinian grills, the question arises: What defines Peruvian grill? Julio Geldres, President of the Federation, reveals the unique elements: “Peruvian cuisine is based on cultural harmony, as a result of national references such as cooking in the mountains and smoked foods from the jungle and international cuisine, we create our own identity that we want to spread throughout the country.”.

Pichanha on a stick and chicken hanging from hooks on the grill, they will take to the competition.

Pichanha on a stick and chicken hanging from hooks on the grill, they will take to the competition.

/ Nucleo-Photography > George Cherton

In the doors of the best competition, the times they manage are precise and even coordination because it is necessary in the expansion of the five proteins. [tipos de alimentos diferentes] And the dessert they had to make during the four-hour competition. While all of this is under control, there are several elements that increase the difficulty of this new challenge. “We don’t know what animal to cook or what the quality of ingredients is or anything”, Joseluis Castro advises amateur grillers to check the type of charcoal they are using before worrying about food. Besides enjoying the taste of grilled fish, it is another dish that is rarely prepared while grilling.

Diego Arsinica, Julio Geldres (Confederation President), Stefano Zapadier (Vice President), Joseluiz Castro, Julio Caracasatua and Pedro Guerrero

Diego Arsinica, Julio Geldres (Confederation President), Stefano Zapadier (Vice President), Joseluiz Castro, Julio Caracasatua and Pedro Guerrero

/ Nucleo-Photography > George Cherton

After this tournament, the members unitedly assured that Peru is the strongest competitor, and the firefighters will prepare again to participate in the intercontinental tournament in Costa Rica later this year. Sufficient support to continue representing the country.

How to support them and learn to grill them? The answer lies in a third date to be determined in July at dinners and tastings on June 14 and 28. At these events, you can taste different types of cuts and dishes made by specialists, who will publish the menu with prices through social networks. On the other hand, on June 24 the confederation Argentina is holding a grill workshop to continue its mission to expand grill culture in Peru.


Peruvian Fires and Grills Federation

Federation representatives in the tournament:

—Josaluis Castro (@jlcap23)

—Diego Arciniega (@diegoarciniega)

-Pedro Guerrero (@pedro_guerrero_l)

-Julio Garazatua (@fire_chef_juliogarazatua)

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